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A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Sound Is Not Enough: The Art of Captioning for Universal Access
Source Sans 3
Source Sans Pro, Adobe's first open source typeface family, was designed by Paul D. Hunt. It is a sans serif typeface intended to work well in user interfaces.
Speech Accessibility In Games From The Perspective of a Person Who Stutters
Patrycja Polowczyk dives into speech accessibility and different mechanics that games implement in order to facilitate and enhance cooperation and information flow.
This talk focuses on exploring the solutions that work and those that fall short for people with speech disabilities.
Speech Recognition
SSSVG: An Interactive SVG Reference
Staff Training Resources - Peatworks
Stammering Accessibility and Testing for Voice Assistants & Devices | DEEP/TEST
Stark Accessibility Checker
Stark Accessibility Tools
Stark: The suite of integrated accessibility tools for your product design and development team
Start - t12t
Start Building Accessible Web Applications Today
Start page - Access & Use
Start using inclusive language with your team and customers - Zendesk
Statistik - MFD
Stella Young: I'm not your inspiration, thank you very much
Stock photos
Stock photos of people with disabilities – Web Axe
Stocksy United
Stories of Web Users
Strategic Leader in Accessibility Webinar Series
Engaging the C-suite to drive accessibility.
Strategic Writing for UX: Drive Engagement, Conversion, and Retention with Every Word: Podmajersky, Torrey: 9781492049395: Books
Stroke and Computing
Structuring Accessible Forms
Studio 24 - Digital design and technology agency
Subscribe to frequent11y - Chris Ashton - Senior Developer
Subtle Acts of Exclusion: How to Understand, Identify, and Stop Microaggressions: Jana, Tiffany, Baran, Michael: 9781523087051: Books
Successful Teams Ensure 100% of their Members Understand Keyboard Accessibility
Keyboard testing is one of the most basic digital accessibility tests. If you are going to learn one test, start with this one.