Understanding DOM and its importance for accessibility, by Karl Groves

A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Understanding the cost of not being accessible - Karl Groves
Understanding Users Needs - TAdER Project on Text Adaptability
The TAdER project encourages developers to include specific text customization functionality in their products to meet the needs of people with low vision, dyslexia, and related conditions that impact reading.
Understanding WCAG 2.2 | WAI | W3C
Understanding Web Accessibility Course
This course focuses on developing an understanding of the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.0 (WCAG 2.0). WCAG 2.0 describes how to make Web sites that are accessible to everyone.
unDraw - Open source illustrations for any idea
United Nations Enable Newsletter | Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD)
United States Access Board
Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom: Practical Applications - CAST
Universal Design for Learning: Theory & Practice - CAST
Unlighthouse - Site-wide Google Lighthouse
Unlock the power of grammatical agreement - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer
Unlock your 15 keys to a diverse and empowered workplace
Grab your metaphorical keyring, put on a smile, and roll up your sleeves. Together, we’ll unlock the doors to a truly inclusive environment where everyone feels at home. Ready?
Up Your A11y
Upanup is a leader in accessibility and user experience research. We take a user-focused approach to create solutions that are accessible to all, and we provide support to our clients for creating compliant content for their audiences.
UPower WAD - Funka
Usability Testing With Older Adults
Use Contrast
Use Contrast | Figma Community
Use the built-in screen reader - Chromebook Help
Use voice recognition in Windows
First, set up your microphone, then use Windows Speech Recognition to train your PC.
Useit - Vi gör tillgänglighet enkelt!
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0
UserWay | The Leading AI-Powered Web Accessibility Solution
Using Agile Principles to Accelerate Digital Accessibility: Agile Accessibility Explained |Level Access
Using ARIA
Using ARIA
Using ARIA