It's not fair having 12 pairs of legs | Aimee Mullins
Web Accessibility Perspectives: Video Captions
An Introduction to Accessibility
The A11Y Project
18F Accessibility Guide
United States Access Board
Teach and Advocate Overview
Accessibility Wins
Understanding Barriers to Accessibility: An Educator's Perspective - Accessible Campus
Disability and Health Overview | CDC
Diverse Abilities and Barriers
Color vision deficiency: MedlinePlus Genetics
Vision impairment and blindness
Introduction to Web Accessibility | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
Accessibility Toolkit - Internet Society
UPower WAD - Funka
How to document the screen reader user experience
Dos and don'ts on designing for accessibility - Accessibility in government
Accessible overlays aren’t accessible | by Camryn Manker | Jun, 2023 | UX Collective
European Disability Forum and International Association of Accessibility Professionals joint statement on accessibility overlays - European Disability Forum
Types of Colour Blindness - Colour Blind Awareness
Introducing A11ycasts! -- A11ycasts #01 - YouTube
Axess Lab | Videos of people with disabilities using tech
Accessibility and Automation: Shift Left ROI
Dylan Barrell on why shifting left in your accessibility work will result in fewer bugs and cheaper development.
posters/accessibility at master · UKHomeOffice/posters · GitHub
Overlay Fact Sheet
What it’s really like to be openly disabled in an interview process: | by Mal | Medium
Shifting left: how introducing accessibility earlier helps the BBC’s design system | by Sophie Beaumont | BBC Product & Technology | Medium
Accessibility Skills Hiring Toolkit
Teach Access provides the Accessibility Skills Hiring Toolkit to help organizations build internal capacity for producing accessible digital products by developing a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. The toolkit currently provides Position Description Language and Interview Questions.