Developer Marketing

Mapping how developers choose our software -
Mapping how developers choose our software -
How can we better understand the process that a developer takes on the journey towards selecting our software? Customer journey mapping can help.
Mapping how developers choose our software -
Marketing to Developers: Relationships Over Leads | SendGrid
Marketing to Developers: Relationships Over Leads | SendGrid
I recently had the pleasure of speaking to an audience of my peers at the awesome Defrag conference, held annually in Broomfield, CO. I spoke on a topic that I’ve been thinking about for some time, about how we’ve approached the community side of the SendGrid business. Here’s the complete slide deck. Let me know …
Marketing to Developers: Relationships Over Leads | SendGrid
The software developer’s customer journey
The software developer’s customer journey
Storytelling seems to be hardwired into the human brain. Thanks to Joseph Campbell and others, we know that a handful of story shapes appear repeatedly across time and cultures. The story of how so…
The software developer’s customer journey