Developer relations

Developer relations

Developer Experience at Netlify
Developer Experience at Netlify
The Developer Experience organization at Netlify is quite unique. In this post, we talk through the structure of the organization, how we work, who we are, and some of our team strategies.
Developer Experience at Netlify
Marketing to Developers - Speaker Deck
Marketing to Developers - Speaker Deck
A framework to build a successful developer marketing program for your business. Read the full talk script in a much nicer format: Hello and thank you for coming. It’s a pleasure to be here and I’m really thrilled to have the opportunity to speak to you all today about a topic that I’m very passionate about, marketing to developers. The inspiration for this talk was a repeated interest among friends and colleagues about what it is that I actually do. I found that the more I tried to explain the approach to my work, the more I would find patterns. This talk is a coll...
Marketing to Developers - Speaker Deck
The Camunda Developer Relations Career Path — Mary Thengvall - Community Builder
The Camunda Developer Relations Career Path — Mary Thengvall - Community Builder
Establishing a career path for Developer Relations is one more step forward in creating a mature industry. It makes a bold statement that we know our value, we’re here to stay, and here’s our plan on how to move forward in our careers! I recently rolled out a Career Path with my team at Camunda, and
The Camunda Developer Relations Career Path — Mary Thengvall - Community Builder
OKR Myths
OKR Myths
We’re going to be entering our quarterly planning cycle at Box soon, which always brings up the topic of output vs. outcomes (note: the angst around goal-setting frameworks is not unique to Box by any means). One of the better books I’ve read on the topic is
OKR Myths
Mapping the Ecosystem of Community Tools | The Commsor Blog
Mapping the Ecosystem of Community Tools | The Commsor Blog
Community is a hot topic right now and the world of community is exploding with new tools and platforms. We get asked all the time about various tools in the community space, or if we've heard of a new product that just launched.
Mapping the Ecosystem of Community Tools | The Commsor Blog
The What, Why, and How of Internal Documentation
The What, Why, and How of Internal Documentation
Documentation: In tech, we spend considerable time producing user-facing documentation including API docs, how-to guides, knowledge bases, tutorials, and user manuals. We do this because user documentation is part of our product's user experience; without docs, people can't use our product. The same thinking can, and s
The What, Why, and How of Internal Documentation
The Importance of Citizen Development and Citizen IT - Jason Wong
The Importance of Citizen Development and Citizen IT - Jason Wong
Business-led IT differs from shadow IT in two vitally important ways. Business-led IT is open and transparent from start to finish, whereas shadow IT is hidden and under the radar for all or part of its life cycle. Secondly, business-led IT is usually much more of a collaborative effort between business and IT where appropriate …
The Importance of Citizen Development and Citizen IT - Jason Wong
API Product Management – Medium
API Product Management – Medium
Valuable and accessible products and services are the most important assets for any business, especially in the digital economy. You'll learn the proven and successful API product management methodology, from strategy to execution, to build digital products your customers love.
API Product Management – Medium
Understanding Deprecation.
Understanding Deprecation.
As newer versions of systems are rolled out every day, more powerful and useful functions, APIs, methods, classes are developed in the…
Understanding Deprecation.
Zach Tratar on Twitter
Zach Tratar on Twitter
Why is @stripe's API so good?Teams debate the naming of each field, talk about trade-offs, and attempt to plan ahead for new features that may change the shape of the API.We *take the time* to get it right, and individual engineers recognize the best design requires teamwork.— Zach Tratar (@zachtratar) February 21, 2020
Zach Tratar on Twitter
Building APIs is Product Management - This is Product Management
Building APIs is Product Management - This is Product Management
Jeremy Glassenberg, Product Consultant and former Platform Manager at Box, shares how to launch a successful API, including his best advice for growing a developer ecosystem and integrating with app marketplaces. Jeremy has spent 9 years as a product manager focused on APIs and developer platforms. He started at Box as the company’s first hire...
Building APIs is Product Management - This is Product Management
"Queer in Tech" free stock photos
"Queer in Tech" free stock photos
These photos are licensed CC BY 3.0 US and they’re free for anyone to use, as long as the use contains attribution. For an example of attribution, see photos in our blog post:
"Queer in Tech" free stock photos
How to Survive Without Your Wallet
How to Survive Without Your Wallet
It’s possible (though not always painless) to live without a wallet—as long as you have a smartphone.
How to Survive Without Your Wallet
When Is A Change A Breaking Change For An API
When Is A Change A Breaking Change For An API
Ben Nadel thinks about all of the changes that you can make in an API which could be considered a "breaking change" for a consumer. Depending on how hard you squint, the breadth of breaking changes can be quite a bit larger than we usually think it is.
When Is A Change A Breaking Change For An API