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SOCRA The Society of Clinical Research Associates, Inc.
The Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA) is a non-profit, charitable and educational membership organization committed to providing education, certification, and networking opportunities to all persons involved in clinical research activities.
Association of Clinical Research Professionals - ACRP
With more than 14,000 members, the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) is the only non-profit organization solely dedicated to representing, supporting, and advocating for clinical research professionals.
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CRISPR in Agriculture
Learn how CRISPR tools make it easier to breed plants and animals with useful traits and how this compares with agriculture of the past.
Who We Are: Agricultural Financing | AgAmerica
Micro interactions FTW
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About Grants
NIFA awards research funding through a combination of competitive grants and funds allocated to states under statutory formulas. The lifecycle of grants and cooperative agreements consists of four phases: Pre-Award, Award, Post-Award, and Close Out. NIFA’s Office of Grants and Financial Management provides support and guidance for award recipients during each of these phases. Grant Lifecycle Phases PRE-AWARD AWARD POST-AWARD CLOSE OUT Pre-Award The Pre-Award phase begins with the announcement of funding opportunities for grants and involves the preparation, submission, and review of proposals to those announcements. SEARCH Search for grant and cooperative agreements APPLY Apply for a grant at Grants.gov REVIEW NIFA reviews your application AWARD The Award phase involves making funding decisions and notifying awardees of their selection for a grant. RESPONSE Applicants are notified of the funding decision PROCESSING NIFA reviews, approves, and sends award documents to awardees POST-AWARD The Post-Award phase involves setting up accounts in the financial payment system and monitoring awardees for compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and submission of required reports. PAYMENTS Awardee sets up an account in the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system to receive funding MONITORING Awardee and NIFA each monitor grant activities to ensure compliance with specific program policies, regulations, and required reporting, including annual accomplishments reports CLOSE OUT The close-out phase of the grant lifecycle involves the submission, review, and approval of all final reports as required by specific program policies and regulations. REPORTING Awardee submits the final federal financial report and final technical report REVIEW AND APPROVAL NIFA reviews and approves final financial and technical reports for regulatory compliance and quality of final technical accomplishment descriptions
Columbi Farms - A truly circular food production platform
Columbi Farms aims to provide the world with a circular and efficient food production platform.
Gypsum Hills Ranch – Grass-Fed, Natural Beef, Raised In Kansas
Home » Carbon8 Regenerative Agriculture
Carbon8 supports farmers to transition to regenerative agriculture by assisting them in rebuilding the carbon (organic matter) in their soil.
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Differences between the Theory of Change and the Logic Model
In my last article I gave a summary of the Theory of Change (ToC) and I realise from my own experience that there is often confusion between the Theory of Change and the Logical Framework. However, just as the photo of the conjoined twins above, both concepts belong to same family and are closely connected but they are not the same. Before I explore the differences, it is good to state that the Logical Framework approach has been around for several decades and was the first widespread attempt to
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Chris Warham: Image
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