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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Health, Admiral Rachel Levine and Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Deputy Under Secretary Stacy Dean visited Watkins ES in Washington, D.C. on Friday, March 17, 2023. | Flickr
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Health, Admiral Rachel Levine and Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Deputy Under Secretary Stacy Dean visited Watkins ES in Washington, D.C. on Friday, March 17, 2023, in recognition of National Nutrition Month. They participated alongside 5th grade students in a “hands-on” FoodPrints lesson by the non-profit FRESHFARM and learned about harvesting and cooking nutritious collard greens and about the nutritional value of whole grains. The two also engaged in a conversation on nutrition and health with stakeholders including Watkins ES students and parents, District of Columbia governmental officials, public school leadership, and anti-hunger and nutrition advocates from the private and nongovernmental sectors. (USDA photo by Christophe Paul)
Lessons Archive - Florida Agriculture in the Classroom
Resolve out of control reactivity problems so you and your dog can get back to enjoying life together!
50 Tips on Making a Great Online Course - EduPress - Education WordPress Starter Theme For LearnPress LMS - FREE
Many of the most powerful, memorable and effective photographs are black and white images. With digital photography though you can no longer take a great black and white photograph
Home | National Center for Science Education
Rice Creek Watershed District
Latest News : Lincoln College
Check out the latest news, alumni stories and opportunities from our college community and industry network.
Moodle Plugins directory: Restriction by enrolment method
Moodle availability plugin which lets users restrict resources, activities and sections based on enrolment methods
Moodle Plugins directory: Enrolment key based self-registration
This auth plugin combines the best of both email based signup and self enrolment keys into a streamlined process making it much faster for students to get into a course. For the student it saves around 9-10 clicks and avoids context switching between a browser and their email client where they can become easily become disengaged or run into issues if their email is unavailable.
Moodle Plugins directory: Group Members
This plugin adds a resource module. Teachers can use it to communicate groups and group co-members to participants.
Moodle plugins directory: Course completed enrolment
Enrol users upon completion of a course.
Moodle plugins directory: Invitation
The Invitation Enrolment Moodle Plugin is a powerful tool for course instructors that simplifies the enrolment process by allowing instructors to send personalized email invitations with a unique token. This plugin offers control over who can use the invitation, tracks past invitations, and allows for resending or revoking invitations. It also supports inviting users even if they are not yet registered on your Moodle LMS site and limiting the lifespan of the invitation.
Zero hunger | SDG 2: Zero hunger
The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2023 presents interactive storytelling and data visualizations about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights trends for selected targets within each goal and introduces concepts about how some SDGs are measured.
Mussel Farming — Penn Cove Shellfish
Salmon Hatcheries: Washington State
A quick overview introducing salmon hatcheries and their importance to salmon recovery.
- [Andy Appleby] Federal, state, and tribal
hatcheries release millions of fish
annually that provide harvest for our
recreational, commercial, and tribal
fishers. Hatchery salmon however, can
have a negative impact on wild salmon.
- [Kenneth Currens] We need to minimize, you know,
large amounts of hatchery fish in the wild
because we don't want to swamp the
genetic characteristics of the wild fish.
Alaska Kelp Farming, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Alaska Wildlife News is an online magazine published by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery - YouTube
Videos about the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery located in Leavenworth, Washington.
Salmon | Flickr
Tilapia Production Infographic | NC State
The School Garden Coordinator Certificate
The School Garden Coordinator Certificate Training is now online and open for registration!
Food and Agriculture Center for Science Education
Dedicated to enhancing scientific and agricultural literacy by expanding access to agriculture.
My American Farm | Agricultural Games and Educational Resources
Free online games for grades K-5 teach children math, reading, science and social studies skills in the context of agriculture
Moodle plugins directory: User Suspension
The Sebsoft User Suspension Plugin offers you the possibility to automate the process
of suspending users and/or removing user accounts (using moodle's default methods to delete users).
Agricultural Literacy Certification Program - UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY
The goal of this project is to increase agricultural literacy (knowledge about agriculture) and agricultural career awareness among K-12 educators, volunteer educators, and their students. To achieve this goal, this project will develop an online Agricultural Literacy Certification Program (ALCP). The specific objectives are to: 1) develop a research-based online agricultural literacy certification program, 2) demonstrate educator gains in agricultural knowledge and career awareness, 3) measure educator self-efficacy for using agriculture as a context for their academic content, and 4) identifying participant planned behaviors for including agricultural instruction as context for their academic content.Phase 1.Beginning in May 2021, theproject will usean instructional designer to develop a web interface that will hold 12 online learning modules. The modules will focus upon the five National Agricultural Literacy Outcome Themes. Thirty pilot-K-12 educatorswill be selected to be a part of the course. They will be expected to complete 12 hours of course learning, including a capstone project, and participation in agricutlural literacy assessments. Following the completion of the course, they will be awarded a $300 stipend and a $100 gift card to the AgClassroomStore to support further instruction with their students. Ten volunteer educators will also be selected for the pilot, they will recieve $100 stipend at the completion of the course. Ten early-career AITC staff, or other agricultural education staff may also participate without incentive in the pilot. Most significantly, participants in the course will recieve a digital badge through Badgr. The digital badge certifies that they have completed 12 hours of agricutlural literacy education and can be used for professional development or advancement credit. The researchers will use the data gathered from the pilot, to improve the modules, course structure, and other curriculum or instructional elements.Phase 2.In August 2022, the course will then be opened to 500 educators, for an initial phase of the certification program. These educators will be charged a $20 fee through the web interface. The small fee establishes commitment from participants and establishes a "fee-for-service" structure that can maintain and sustain the ALCP program in perpetuity. To ensure the ALCP program has a strong start, however, this section will be offered (up to 500 participants) a $100 PayPal cash incentive and a $100 AgClassroomStore coupon code to educators who complete the course. They will also recieve digital certification of completion of the program. The grant will run until December 31, 2024.The ALCP will use research-based instructional design guidelines, provided by the NAITCO professional instructional designer, to successfully increase agricultural literacy and agricultural career awareness while advancing AFRI priority areas. The additional research agenda priorities supported by this proposal include those from the American Association for Agricultural Educators (AAAE), dedicated to finding the best methods and models for educating the public and policy makers (Roberts et al., 2016); NCAL, which seeks to improve agricultural literacy with diverse segments of the population and improve agricultural literacy program efficacy (National Center for Agricultural Literacy, 2017); and the W3006 Multistate Agricultural Literacy Research Project that measures the impacts of agricultural literacy program methods to determine their effectiveness and conducts assessments on the agricultural knowledge of diverse population segments (including educators, volunteers and students) (National Center for Agricultural Literacy, 2017). The ALCP supports these related program agendas and provides a rich area for continued research. In addition, an online program allows for greater access advancing educational equity.
Moodle plugins directory: Email/coupon authentication
Authentication module that allows you to immediately enter a coupon code from our Coupon plugin while creating a new account.
Moodle plugins directory: Inactive User Cleanup
The inactive user cleanup is a useful solution that deletes an inactive user's account automatically. Additionally, the solution sends users emails informing them before deleting their account. Thus, if a learner logs in before the account is deleted, he or she will not be removed from the system.
Louisiana Drones | Flickr (USDA)
Cow Ultrasound Michigan State University | Flickr (USDA)
IoT Device Connection | Flickr (USDA)