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Home - USC Center for Effective Organizations
Home - USC Center for Effective Organizations
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Home - USC Center for Effective Organizations
SOCRA The Society of Clinical Research Associates, Inc.
SOCRA The Society of Clinical Research Associates, Inc.
The Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA) is a non-profit, charitable and educational membership organization committed to providing education, certification, and networking opportunities to all persons involved in clinical research activities.
SOCRA The Society of Clinical Research Associates, Inc.
Association of Clinical Research Professionals - ACRP
Association of Clinical Research Professionals - ACRP
With more than 14,000 members, the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) is the only non-profit organization solely dedicated to representing, supporting, and advocating for clinical research professionals.
Association of Clinical Research Professionals - ACRP
Resolve out of control reactivity problems so you and your dog can get back to enjoying life together!
Latest News : Lincoln College
Latest News : Lincoln College
Check out the latest news, alumni stories and opportunities from our college community and industry network.
Latest News : Lincoln College
Moodle Plugins directory: Enrolment key based self-registration
Moodle Plugins directory: Enrolment key based self-registration
This auth plugin combines the best of both email based signup and self enrolment keys into a streamlined process making it much faster for students to get into a course. For the student it saves around 9-10 clicks and avoids context switching between a browser and their email client where they can become easily become disengaged or run into issues if their email is unavailable.
Moodle Plugins directory: Enrolment key based self-registration
Moodle plugins directory: Invitation
Moodle plugins directory: Invitation
The Invitation Enrolment Moodle Plugin is a powerful tool for course instructors that simplifies the enrolment process by allowing instructors to send personalized email invitations with a unique token. This plugin offers control over who can use the invitation, tracks past invitations, and allows for resending or revoking invitations. It also supports inviting users even if they are not yet registered on your Moodle LMS site and limiting the lifespan of the invitation.
Moodle plugins directory: Invitation
Zero hunger | SDG 2: Zero hunger
Zero hunger | SDG 2: Zero hunger
The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2023 presents interactive storytelling and data visualizations about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights trends for selected targets within each goal and introduces concepts about how some SDGs are measured.
Zero hunger | SDG 2: Zero hunger
Salmon Hatcheries: Washington State
Salmon Hatcheries: Washington State
A quick overview introducing salmon hatcheries and their importance to salmon recovery.
- [Andy Appleby] Federal, state, and tribal hatcheries release millions of fish 1:10 annually that provide harvest for our recreational, commercial, and tribal 1:14 fishers. Hatchery salmon however, can have a negative impact on wild salmon. 1:19 - [Kenneth Currens] We need to minimize, you know, large amounts of hatchery fish in the wild 1:24 because we don't want to swamp the genetic characteristics of the wild fish.
Salmon Hatcheries: Washington State