AI Versus Arts

AI Versus Arts

"#in evidenza"
Art-istic or Art-ificial? Ownership and copyright concerns in AI-generated artwork - New
Art-istic or Art-ificial? Ownership and copyright concerns in AI-generated artwork - New
By Atreya Mathur Credit: DALL·E 2; text prompts (left to right): painting of a robot holding justice scales; painting of a robot-artist painting flowers; painting of a robot reading a law bookWhat does it take to be an artist in the 21st century? Can one create art with paint brushes, watercolors, or oil pastels? Or can one simply think art into
Art-istic or Art-ificial? Ownership and copyright concerns in AI-generated artwork - New
Artists Opposing AI Image Generators Use Mickey Mouse to Goad Copyright Lawsuits - Slashdot
Artists Opposing AI Image Generators Use Mickey Mouse to Goad Copyright Lawsuits - Slashdot
AI tools like DALL-E 2, Lensa AI, and Midjourney "can be told to create imagery in the style of a particular artist," notes this article in the Daily Dot. Yet "The current legal consensus, much to the chagrin of many artists, concludes that AI-generated art is in the public domain and therefore no...
Artists Opposing AI Image Generators Use Mickey Mouse to Goad Copyright Lawsuits - Slashdot