This is all just splendid isn’t it. And entirely expected, sadly. Cheers Adobe. (Thanks to @rob__mccallum for the heads up)— Ian McQue (@ianmcque) August 18, 2023
Hi @Adobe just curious, what is this page full of hideous AI imagery "in the style of Abigail Larson" that's obviously not my work doing on your site?— Abigail Larson (@Abigail_Larson) August 18, 2023
Hey @Adobe why is it the artist's responsibility to report their own work being stolen and added into your imagebase? You insipid clowns.— Steve Stark 🌕 (@sstarkm) August 15, 2023
Karla is a Puerto Rican artist who works on Films (MCU, ILM,HBO), Games, TV, Covers, Fine art, etc. Passionate advocate for better artist industries+ rights ✌️
2 MONTHS LATER...@adobe is still profiting off the work of artists.— Wetterschneider (@Stretchedwiener) August 14, 2023
Adobe Stock. Go there. Type a well known artist. Say, a concept artist like Craig Mullins. You wouldn’t think his work would be licensed on Adobe Stock. It’s not. BUT AI generated versions along with the prompt used by some typist with the artists name in the prompt. Unacceptable— Rob McCallum (@rob__mccallum) August 18, 2023
Dear @Adobe You mentioned your AI images uses the Adobe stock library only and guarantees the artist gets a royalty.Then can you explain why my name is in your library and there are a bunch of AI generated images with my name without my consent or prior knowledge? Please RT— Victo Ngai 倪傳婧 (@victongai) August 14, 2023
hello @adobe, could you explain why my name can be found in your AI generated adobe stock images without my permission?— Loish (@loishh) August 17, 2023
So @adobe , now you take money out of this?This is my name used to generate and to sell those pictures in your stock.No way this is ok.— Marc Simonetti (@kemar74) August 18, 2023
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Argentina, l’Intelligenza artificiale per ricostruire i volti dei desaparecidos
L’idea di Santiago Barros è quella di ricostruire con l’IA i volti dei bambini scomparsi durante la dittatura argentina. Scopo del progetto, IAbuelas, è quello…
HeyGen is an innovative video platform that harnesses the power of generative AI to streamline your video creation process. Unleash your creativity with HeyGen - the future of video production.
US FTC opens investigation into OpenAI over misleading statements -document
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has opened an investigation into OpenAI on claims it has run afoul of consumer protection laws by putting personal reputations and data at risk, the strongest regulatory threat to the Microsoft-backed startup yet.
Karla is a Puerto Rican artist who works on Films (MCU, ILM,HBO), Games, TV, Covers, Fine art, etc. Passionate advocate for better artist industries+ rights ✌️