Bridgy Fed for the fediverse (@ap.brid.gy)
bridge Bluesky zu Mastodon
What is Bluesky? The new social media network explained
A quick and dirty guide to making custom feeds on Bluesky
RSS feed to BlueSky Cards Post - Showcase - Make Community
"repo": "your_did_here", the did returned in the headers of your create session Http call [3]
"collection": "app.bsky.feed.post",
"record": {
"text": "Just a test post via API",
"createdAt": "2024-05-13T14:52:21.422Z"
"$type": "app.bsky.feed.post",
"text": "post which embeds an external URL as a card", headline or whatever from [7]
"createdAt": "now",
"embed": {
"$type": "app.bsky.embed.external",
"external": {
"uri": "https://bsky.app", URL of item from RSS feed [7]
"title": "Bluesky Social", from item in RSS Feed [7]
"description": "See what's next.", from item in RSS Feed [7]
"thumb": {
"$type": "blob",
"ref": {
"$link": "slink from sending the image to BSky HTTP post" in HTTP module [9]
"mimeType": "image/png", - you can set this from the data:blob:mimeType [8]
"size": map to data: blob : size from image to BS [8]
Help needed: Posting to Bluesky with an attached image
Connect Bluesky and MAKE.com for new posts - Jans Weblog
"repo": "[did VALUE FROM previous module]",
"collection": "app.bsky.feed.post",
"record": {
"$type": "app.bsky.feed.post",
"text": "This is your post text",
"createdAt": "{{now}}"
Best Time to Post to Bluesky
Bluesky Social Feeds @ BlueskyFeeds.com
Is Bluesky the Place to Be for a Photographer Looking to Build an Effective Social Media Presence? | Fstoppers
Can Bluesky be the next big thing for photographers?
Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
Was ist Bluesky & wie klappt die Anmeldung zur Twitter Alternative? [Anleitung] | Pacinolan: Tech & Gaming Trends
Bluesky HowTo und Tools
German Bluesky Starter Packs
Deutsch Bluesky Starter Packs [Page 2 of 10]
Photography Bluesky Starter Packs [Page 7 of 66]
Warum wir das Protokoll hinter Bluesky schützen müssen - t3n – digital pioneers | Das Magazin für digitales Business - t3nde
Flashes: Was die neue Instagram-Alternative auf Bluesky-Basis bietet - t3n – digital pioneers
Promote new blog posts on Bluesky | Inspiration Gallery
Script um mit dem RSS Feed Post in Bluesky zu erstellen.
Automatically Posting to Bluesky on New RSS Items
Neznam Atproto Share postet WordPress-Beiträge zu Bluesky ⋮ FLIP․de
Openvibe – Mastodon & Bluesky
Lists - Bluesky Directory
Are users deserting Elon Musk’s X en masse and where are they heading?
Bluesky: Wie finanziert sich ein "dezentrales Ökosystem"?
Crosspost von Mastodon zu Bluesky - Maurice Renck