
數位方輿 Reading Digital Atlas
數位方輿 Reading Digital Atlas
尋訪清宮流散歷史輿圖連結數位計畫」執行目標在徵 集散佚海外之清宮古輿圖,並促進國際文史典藏機構合作,以充實臺灣文史資源使其更具完整性及豐富性。至2012年底止,此計畫已自英、美、日三地攜回為數可觀之海外古輿圖數位化檔案,只因國家型計畫之結束而來不及將成果作完善地公開與應用。
數位方輿 Reading Digital Atlas
History and Geography of Europe
History and Geography of Europe
Historical atlas of Europe. Maps of mountains, rivers, cities and countries of Europe and of the World. 2000 pictures of towns and landscapes. Antique digitized maps. Digital vector maps and georeferenced vector maps, educational softwares.
History and Geography of Europe
Open Infrastructure Map
Open Infrastructure Map
Open map of the world's electricity, telecoms, oil, and gas infrastructure, using data from OpenStreetMap.
Open Infrastructure Map
Who Is In Space - Live Updates
Who Is In Space - Live Updates
Who Is In Space is constantly updated to make sure you can easily find out how many people are in space.
Who Is In Space - Live Updates
The American Physiological Society publishes journals and books in many disciplines within physiology. The Society’s 15 distinguished scientific journals are dedicated to the advancement of physiological research, which has formed the basis for many biomedical advances
Space Launch Schedule & Live Rocket Launch Video Streams Space Launch Schedule,Rocket Launch,Space Flight,Space,Landing,Space Events,SpaceX,Space News Rocket Launch, Space Flight, Space, Landing, Space Events, SpaceX, Space News
Space Launch Schedule & Live Rocket Launch Video Streams Space Launch Schedule,Rocket Launch,Space Flight,Space,Landing,Space Events,SpaceX,Space News Rocket Launch, Space Flight, Space, Landing, Space Events, SpaceX, Space News
Get the Space Launch Schedule. Space enthusiasts can quickly get a list of upcoming rocket launches. View the launch schedule for rocket launches around the world. The Space Launch Schedule App and website includes launch information for SpaceX, NASA, ULA, Rocket Lab and more rocket launches. The Space Launch Schedule App and website includes space launch schedules from Florida, California, New Zealand, Cape Canaveral, Kennedy Space Center, Vandenberg and more.
Space Launch Schedule & Live Rocket Launch Video Streams Space Launch Schedule,Rocket Launch,Space Flight,Space,Landing,Space Events,SpaceX,Space News Rocket Launch, Space Flight, Space, Landing, Space Events, SpaceX, Space News
The Nature Index tracks the affiliations of high-quality scientific articles. Updated monthly, the Nature Index presents research outputs by institution and country. Use the Nature Index to interrogate publication patterns and to benchmark research performance.
TingsongYu/PyTorch-Tutorial-2nd: 《Pytorch实用教程》(第二版)无论是零基础入门,还是CV、NLP、LLM项目应用,或是进阶工程化部署落地,在这里都有。相信在本书的帮助下,读者将能够轻松掌握 PyTorch 的使用,成为一名优秀的深度学习工程师。
TingsongYu/PyTorch-Tutorial-2nd: 《Pytorch实用教程》(第二版)无论是零基础入门,还是CV、NLP、LLM项目应用,或是进阶工程化部署落地,在这里都有。相信在本书的帮助下,读者将能够轻松掌握 PyTorch 的使用,成为一名优秀的深度学习工程师。
《Pytorch实用教程》(第二版)无论是零基础入门,还是CV、NLP、LLM项目应用,或是进阶工程化部署落地,在这里都有。相信在本书的帮助下,读者将能够轻松掌握 PyTorch 的使用,成为一名优秀的深度学习工程师。 - TingsongYu/PyTorch-Tutorial-2nd
TingsongYu/PyTorch-Tutorial-2nd: 《Pytorch实用教程》(第二版)无论是零基础入门,还是CV、NLP、LLM项目应用,或是进阶工程化部署落地,在这里都有。相信在本书的帮助下,读者将能够轻松掌握 PyTorch 的使用,成为一名优秀的深度学习工程师。