Inclusive Sans is a text font designed for accessibility and readability. It is inspired by the friendly personality of contemporary neo-grotesques while incorp
AR One Sans is a type family for use in augmented reality environments and user interfaces. The family's low contrast, generous spacing and robust shapes make i
CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster. Their mandate is to inform, enlighten and entertain, in order to strengthen Canadian culture on radio,
Lexend is a collection of seven font families intended to improve reading proficiency. As prescription eyeglasses achieve proficiency for persons with short-sig
Choosing the right font for learners will increase retention time, reduce fatigue and support good stress. A legible, readable font should be a sans-serif, humanist typeface, with suitable letter and word spacing. Simple shapes assist with speed and help reduce cognitive loads.
… a typeface created in partnership with Braille Institute of America. It has been developed specifically to increase legibility for readers with low vision, and to improve comprehension.
Dyslexie font does not benefit reading in children with or without dyslexia - PubMed
In two experiments, the claim was tested that the font "Dyslexie", specifically designed for people with dyslexia, eases reading performance of children with (and without) dyslexia. Three questions were investigated. (1) Does the Dyslexie font lead to faster and/or more accurate reading? (2) Do chil …
Towards Individuated Reading Experiences: Different Fonts Increase Reading Speed for Different Individuals | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
In our age of ubiquitous digital displays, adults often read in short, opportunistic
interludes. In this context of Interlude Reading, we consider if manipulating font choice can improve adult readers’ reading outcomes.
Our studies normalize font size by ...
In Wednesday’s 3.8 planning meeting we discussed hotlinking vs bundling Open Sans. MP6 followed Twenty Twelve’s example by linking to Google Webfonts, but the consensus from Wednesday’s chat was th…