Designing UI with Color Blind Users in Mind - Secret Stache Media
Software-Ergonomie – Wikipedia
»Im Bereich der Software-Ergonomie existieren formale Richtlinien für die Gestaltung von Bildschirmarbeitsplätzen, für die Darstellung von Informationen am Monitor sowie deren Manipulation durch Eingabegeräte. Diese Richtlinien sind in der Arbeitsstättenverordnung (ArbStättV) sowie in der Norm EN ISO 9241 festgehalten und sollten daher bei der Erstellung von Anwendungssoftware berücksichtigt werden.«
Barrierefreies Arbeiten am Computer – Wikipedia
Stiftung barrierefrei kommunizieren!
Schnelltest barrierefreie Webseite
Office Accessibility Center - Resources for people with disabilities - Office 365
Adobe Creative Cloud accessibility
The user experience of choosing the simplest possible words
Why Your Links Should Never Say "Click Here"
Writing Hyperlinks: Salient, Descriptive, Start with Keyword
Dyslexia, and how it affects your web design
Improving text readability for dyslexic users with skip-ink underlines
Announcing FormLinter
Seriously, Don’t Use Icon Fonts
Universal design
Universal design (often inclusive design) refers to broad-spectrum ideas meant to produce buildings, products and environments that are inherently accessible to older people, people without disabilities, and people with disabilities.
In Plain Sight
Make commerce better for everyone
Designing A Dementia-Friendly Website
Empowering designers with beautiful and accessible color palettes based on WCAG Guidelines of text and background contrast ratios.
SVG Sprites vs. Icon-Fonts | maddesigns
Yris wurde als Lupen und Fernglas-App gezielt für sehbehinderte Menschen entwickelt.
Screen Sieve
… lets you search the contents of the currently active window at any time. It highlights all occurrences of characters, words and phrases as you type, without requiring modifications to applications. Putting Mac OS X' built-in support for Accessibility to good use, Screen Sieve works with any application that supports the Accessibility APIs.
Disable Google Fonts
WordPress › Open Sans, bundling vs. linking
In Wednesday’s 3.8 planning meeting we discussed hotlinking vs bundling Open Sans. MP6 followed Twenty Twelve’s example by linking to Google Webfonts, but the consensus from Wednesday’s chat was th…
A List Apart: UX
Quick Tip: Using alt Text Properly
A few tips on how and when to use the alt attribute. Make sure the text is helpful and most importantly meaningful.
Colour Contrast Check
For people with impaired vision, we are required to ensure that there is a minimum amount of contrast between our foreground and background colors. formulas for determining optimum color contrast. W3C's specification on color contrast... hp color palette. style sheet text colors. style sheet text colors.
Pictos - Using Icon Fonts
A better way to use icon fonts
yatil. Eric Eggert about web development & design.
Barrierefreiheit auch für dynamische Seiten – mit HTML5 und ARIA