In Plain Sight
Make commerce better for everyone
SVG Sprites vs. Icon-Fonts | maddesigns
Pictos - Using Icon Fonts
Barrierefreiheit auch für dynamische Seiten – mit HTML5 und ARIA
Why you should not use a flag as a symbol of language
The Trouble with Lightbox (and its Variants)
Lightbox is a great image display technique for the modern Web, just be sure it's still usable!
How Accessible is Your Website?
8 Tools to Analyze Your Website’s Level of Accessibility
Markup: Webdesign mit Webstandards, CSS, XHTML, Barrierefreiheit
Markup ist die private Website mit Journal zu Webdesign mit Webstandandards, CSS und XHTML von Björn Seibert. Wichtigste Themenbereiche dieser Website : Artikel erscheinen im Journal bzw. Weblog zu Webstandards, CSS, (X)HTML, Accessibility (Barrierefreih
Skip Navigation
css switcher - Invasion of the Body Switchers (ALA)
css style sheet switcher
Bring on the tables | 456 Berea Street
Avoid using tables for layout, but make sure to use them, and use them properly, for tabular data. This article explains how to make HTML data tables accessible.
2006-05-20 23:58:34 0200 from webdev magazines ---
Webkrauts » Adventskalender
Inclusive Design
Inclusive design describes methodologies to create products that understand and enable people of all backgrounds and abilities. It may address accessibility, age, economic situation, geographic location, language, race, and more.