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Means and Ends
Means and Ends
Cutting through misperceptions and historical inaccuracies, Zoe Baker shows how the reasons anarchists gave for supporting or opposing particular strategies were grounded in a specific theoretical framework—a theory of practice. The consistent and coherent heart of anarchism, Baker shows, is the understanding that, as people engage in activity—political or otherwise—they simultaneously change the world and themselves.
Means and Ends
„Letzte Generation“: „Kernteam zerstört die Organisation“ – Aktivisten bestreiken ihre Führung - WELT
„Letzte Generation“: „Kernteam zerstört die Organisation“ – Aktivisten bestreiken ihre Führung - WELT
Ein Streit um antisemitische Tendenzen unter Klimaaktivisten ist eskaliert. Nun droht der „Letzten Generation“ die Spaltung. Die Basis zeigt sich zunehmend irritiert über den autoritären Führungsstil der sogenannten Kerngruppe.
„Letzte Generation“: „Kernteam zerstört die Organisation“ – Aktivisten bestreiken ihre Führung - WELT
The Antisemitic History of Vampires - Hey Alma
The Antisemitic History of Vampires - Hey Alma
A chill can be felt in the air, the leaves are changing color, and Home Depots the country over are newly stocked with gargantuan skeletons. Halloween is around the corner, and in deference to spooky season, I recently saw Francis Ford Coppola’s “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” for the first time. It’s a portrayal of the vampire […]
The Antisemitic History of Vampires - Hey Alma
Have We Scholars of Anti-Semitism Failed to Facilitate Empathy for Its Victims? - Public Seminar
Have We Scholars of Anti-Semitism Failed to Facilitate Empathy for Its Victims? - Public Seminar
For almost a century, most of us have focused on dissecting anti-Semitic ideas and ideologies. But—with the very important exception of those studying the Holocaust—we have not paid enough attention to the impact these ideas, images, and actions have on Jews as human beings.
Have We Scholars of Anti-Semitism Failed to Facilitate Empathy for Its Victims? - Public Seminar
Der Kostümjude
Der Kostümjude
Als ebenso wortgewaltiger wie aggressiver Autor war der angeblich jüdische Publizist Fabian Wolff an vielen Debatten in der jüdischen Gemeinschaft beteiligt. Nun stellt sich heraus: Seine Jüdischkeit war komplett ausgedacht
Der Kostümjude