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Freedom for the One Who Thinks Differently
Freedom for the One Who Thinks Differently
What frightens us is the prevailing atmosphere of racism and xenophobia in Germany, hand in hand with a constraining and paternalistic philo-Semitism. We reject in particular the conflation of anti-Semitism and any criticism of the state of Israel.
Jewish writers, academics, journalists, artists, and cultural workers living in Germany
Freedom for the One Who Thinks Differently
Der Kostümjude
Der Kostümjude
Als ebenso wortgewaltiger wie aggressiver Autor war der angeblich jüdische Publizist Fabian Wolff an vielen Debatten in der jüdischen Gemeinschaft beteiligt. Nun stellt sich heraus: Seine Jüdischkeit war komplett ausgedacht
Der Kostümjude