Multiple CSS background images

decaffeinated archives :: Multiplicity
multiple backgrounds in css3
Introducing the CSS3 Multi-Column Module (A List Apart: Articles)
Cédric Savarese would like you to meet the CSS3 multi-column module. It may not have extensive browser support yet, but this semantically sound method of dividing content into columns may be more r…
CSS3 Multi-Colum Layout Demonstration and Documentation -
CSS Positioning (
CSS Basics - Making Cascading Style Sheets Easy to Understand
Everything you ever wanted to know about the basics of CSS
Friendly Bit - Web Development Blog
Friendly Bit is a blog by Emil Stenström, a Swedish web developer that occasionally gets ideas of how to improve the internet.
Web Developer's Handbook: developing web-sites, exploring own imagination | CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.
Vitaly Friedman is a creative web designer from Saarbruecken, Germany, who creates simple, accessible and user-friendly webdesign. Once, being inspired by your own imagination, you take a pencil in your hand. You see blurred images running over and over again in your head. You release your spirit of inspiration.
CSS Templates [intensivstation]