3 questions to evaluate design patterns and avoid unnecessary work that degrades UX

Hero Patterns
A collection of repeatable SVG background patterns for you to use on your web projects.
The design systems we swim in
Through a design system, darkly
The design systems between us
7 requirements of a holistic Design System
→ https://blog.marvelapp.com/holistic-design-system/
sipgate Design System
Pattern Library | Frontify
Pattern Lab
Create atomic design ( http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/atomic-web-design/ ) systems with Pattern Lab.
Bring Back the Sitemap?
David Bushell – Freelance Web Design (UK)
Complex Navigation Patterns for Responsive Design
UI Patterns and Techniques
Responsive Navigation Patterns
For the record: It’s super important for us to keep this site 100% free for you and 100% high quality. To help us do that, we’ve partnered with some of
New iOS Design Pattern: Slide-out Navigation
Video Diaries: A Method for Understanding New Usage Patterns
Web magazine about user experience matters, providing insights and inspiration for the user experience community
iPhone Application UI Design Patterns
Mac, iPhone & iPad interface design consulting, writing and speaking featuring tutorials, interviews, techniques and thoughts on crafting & building beautiful software. By Mike Rundle.
Mobile UI Patterns
iOS UI Patterns (beta)
Check out the finest collection of design patterns, resources, mobile apps and inspiration
Japonizer -和風壁紙素材ツール
Japanese traditional background generator
Subtle Patterns
High quality patterns for your next web project. License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Background Image Maker
squidfingers / patterns