Penpot’s Flex Layout: Building CSS Layouts In A Design Tool

The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted
New web services are being built to a self-defeatingly low UX and performance standard, and existing experiences are now pervasively re-developed on unspeakably slow, JS-taxed stacks. At a business level, this is a disaster, raising the question: why are new teams buying into stacks that have failed so often before?
There Is No Such Thing As A CSS Absolute Unit — Smashing Magazine
What are absolute units? What are the differences between relative and absolute units, and how do we create accurate sizes on the web? In this article, Elad Shechter explains why CSS absolute units aren’t so absolute.
Unverständnis von CSS
Table Design Patterns On The Web — Smashing Magazine
Evangelizing Outside the Box: Web Standards and Large Companies
(A List Apart: Articles)
6 Things I Learned About Print Stylesheets From HTML5 Boilerplate
Print stylesheets can be a pain if you don’t know what you’re doing. Before you even approach one you need to make sure to do some solid research into how to go about it. Today we’re going to help you along by first discussing the conceptual considerations that you need t...
Barrierefreiheit auch für dynamische Seiten – mit HTML5 und ARIA
@font-face Solutions & Suggestions
«So what are the options for implementing web fonts? I'm going to review the three main methods of incorporating @font-face and explain the pros and cons of each method. […]»
Five Useful Interactive CSS/jQuery Techniques Deconstructed
Responsive Web Design
Designers have coveted print for its precision layouts, lamenting the varying user contexts on the web that compromise their designs. Ethan Marcotte advocates we shift our design thinking to approp…
… useful coding techniques
… css layouts, visual effects and forms
UI with fewer images
(about CSS performance)
Ignorance Is Bliss
Andrew Clarke shares a case study highlighting the benefits of progressively enhanced web design. Ever wondered how to convince your clients to let you use cutting edge web techniques? It may be simpler than you think.
Stronger, Better, Faster Design with CSS3
In our last article about CSS3, ["Pushing Your Buttons With Practical CSS3](, we talked about using new CSS3 techniques like gradients, border-radius and drop-shadows to create compelling, flexible and (in some cases) hilarious buttons.
35 Ultimate Useful CSS Cheats to Streamline Web Development
Effekte mit der CSS-Eigenschaft text-shadow
23 Pure CSS Effects/Solutions to Make JavaScript Angry
130+ New Tools to Make You a Better and Faster Designer
Grid Layout (ctrl+shift+g)
The Grid Layout Javascript enables web-developers to stick to a Grid Layout quickly and simply by including the Grid Layouts Javascript file and simple XHTML code. Currently, the Grid Layouts Javascript relies on jQuery.
Markup: Webdesign mit Webstandards, CSS, XHTML, Barrierefreiheit
Markup ist die private Website mit Journal zu Webdesign mit Webstandandards, CSS und XHTML von Björn Seibert. Wichtigste Themenbereiche dieser Website : Artikel erscheinen im Journal bzw. Weblog zu Webstandards, CSS, (X)HTML, Accessibility (Barrierefreih
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css switcher - Invasion of the Body Switchers (ALA)
css style sheet switcher
Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign - A List Apart Article
The difference between redesigns that make you look busy and give your stakeholders something else to argue about, and strategic overhauls that reposition your brand and help you set and reach busi…
wg:Filler text on demand
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CSS Positioning (
Creating Custom Corners
Must CSS layouts be boxy and hard-edged? In this article, we’ll show how customized borders and corners can be applied to fully fluid and flexible layouts with dynamic content, using sound an…
Bring on the tables | 456 Berea Street
Avoid using tables for layout, but make sure to use them, and use them properly, for tabular data. This article explains how to make HTML data tables accessible.
2006-05-20 23:58:34 0200 from webdev magazines ---
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