Solid vs Outline » Welches Icon ist besser zu erkennen?

Hollow Icon vs. Solid Icon: Which Is More Friendly for Recognizing? | by Trista liu | Medium
Solid Vs. Outline Icons: Which Are Faster to Recognize?
Master's Paper | Filled-in vs. Outline Icons: The Impact of Icon Style on Usability
Solid vs. Outline Icons: Which Are Faster to Recognize?
10 iconography rules to follow in UI design
Check out these icon design tips & best practices before implementing them in your next UI design.
Tabler Icons
550+ Highly customizable free SVG icons (MIT licence)
7 Principles of Icon Design - Helena Zhang - Medium
Accessible Icon Buttons — Sara Soueidan – Freelance-Front-End UI/UX Developer
It's 2019! Let's End The Debate On Icon Fonts vs SVG Icons
The issue of diversity in icon design
Do we have the right icons at hand to represent all humans?
Solid Vs. Outline Icons: Which Are Faster to Recognize?
all icons sets (UX Repo)
Origins of Common UI Symbols
They are road signs for your daily rituals — the instantly recognized symbols and icons you press, click and ogle countless times a day when you interact with your computer. But how much do you know about their origins?
Inspecting Yosemite’s Icons
Finely crafted software for the discerning client.
A Designer’s Guide to Grumpicon, or: How I Learned to Stop Using Font Icons and Love SVGs
Add Vector Icons to Your Website. Create your icon fonts in seconds. Make your website faster. Over 9,000 icons available. Import your own vectors
LivIcons - Exclusive Truly Animated Icon Pack!
Truly animated icon pack with power of scalable vector graphic for clean and perfect look at any devices.
MFG Labs icon set
Useful Segoe UI Symbols
… compiled list of symbols that can be used to copy Windows 8’s style:
Developing Windows 8 – Using AppBarCommand Icons outside the AppBar « Matt Duffield
One of the things I really like about developing Windows 8 applications is the ability to use the built in icons provided by the Segoe UI Symbol font.
Windows 8 Metro apps – a lot of icons are available out of the box ! | Jonathan ANTOINE's thoughts on WPF, Silverlight, WinRT, NUI...
Windows 8 AppBarIcons enumerated and visualized
PictoPro | Professional vector icons and pictograms
The Icon Handbook | The Hickensian | Hicksdesign
(Here’s what it looks like)
… is lovingly crafted suite of 300 icons for web and user interface design.
IcoMoon’s Icon Packs
IcoMoon provides a package of vector icons, along with a free HTML5 app for making custom icon fonts or SVG sprites. Browse among thousands of pixel perfect icons or import your own vectors.
IcoMoon App
Using IcoMoon you can easily search and download vector icons or generate fonts (icon fonts). This tool can also be used for icon set management. It can generate icon fonts, SVGs, PDFs, PNGs and sprites.
icon fonts generator
Ligature Symbols
You can get Ligature Symbols for free. This Font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License for download and using.