How to change SVG color dynamically

How to properly change the color of a mat-icon with angular?
I have looked at the documentation and I have tried to change the color of a mat-icon like so:
<mat-icon class="white" color="primary" svgIcon="back"></mat-icon><span class="backTex...
Drawicons | Thankyou
Download Drawicons for free now and get over 200 hand drawn vector icons to spice up your design projects and creative work.
Iconoir is one of the biggest open source libraries with currently 914 SVG Icons. No premium icons, no email sign-up, no newsletters.
Accessible Icon Links
by Kitty Giraudel
SVGBox - API for Web Icons
SVGBox makes it dead-easy to include icons in your project. Simple tags: that's all you need. No CSS, JS, file uploads, or inline SVGs. It's completely free and delivered over Cloudflare CDN, the same technology that powers CDNJs's 190B+ monthly requests .
Tiny minimal 1px icon set by Anja van Staden with more than a thousand icons →
Tabler Icons
550+ Highly customizable free SVG icons (MIT licence)
Tabler Icons
A set of over 450 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid and a 2px stroke.
Icon Fonts vs SVGs - Which One Should You Use In 2018?
It's 2019! Let's End The Debate On Icon Fonts vs SVG Icons
Ten reasons we switched from an icon font to SVG - Ian Feather
SVGs FTW! Warum ihr keine Icon Fonts einsetzen solltet
Accessible SVG Icons with Inline Sprites - 24 Accessibility
Align SVG Icons to Text and Say Goodbye to Font Icons
by @Elliotdahl
Seriously, Don’t Use Icon Fonts
all icons sets (UX Repo)
SVG Sprites vs. Icon-Fonts | maddesigns
A Designer’s Guide to Grumpicon, or: How I Learned to Stop Using Font Icons and Love SVGs
Add Vector Icons to Your Website. Create your icon fonts in seconds. Make your website faster. Over 9,000 icons available. Import your own vectors
LivIcons - Exclusive Truly Animated Icon Pack!
Truly animated icon pack with power of scalable vector graphic for clean and perfect look at any devices.
IcoMoon App
Using IcoMoon you can easily search and download vector icons or generate fonts (icon fonts). This tool can also be used for icon set management. It can generate icon fonts, SVGs, PDFs, PNGs and sprites.
Using this app you can easily search and browse vector icons to download them or make an icon font. An icon font is a font that has symbols/icons as its glyphs. Using the IcoMoon app, you can also import your own vector images to use them in your font. This tool generates all the necessary web font formats (WOFF, TTF, SVG, and EOT). The SVG font can be imported back to the app.
Meteocons is a set of weather icons, it consists of 40+ icons available in PSD, CSH, EPS, SVG, Desktop Fonts and Web Font. All updates are free and will always be free.
About those vector icons · Pushing Pixels