Can the health app paradox be resolved using emotional AI?

The Evolution of Telegram
Character Illustrations for the Telegram («Personality»)
Adobe Express
CSS Scan
The fastest and easiest way to check, copy and edit CSS
GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery
The untold history of macOS System Preferences
The powerful tool for create Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch icons.
Designing the New Office App for Mobile
A font subscription service for designers
SharePoint Add-ins UX design guidelines
A handy little Mac app that gives you quick access to the standard material design color palette.
How to create the best Mac Icons
App Icon Sizes · phonegap/phonegap Wiki · GitHub
access core functions on Android, iPhone and Blackberry using JavaScript - phonegap/phonegap
iOS 9 App Icon Template
Yris wurde als Lupen und Fernglas-App gezielt für sehbehinderte Menschen entwickelt.
Antetype - Layout aware User Interface Design
… design beautiful, responsive UIs for apps, websites and enterprise software.
Sketch Tips
… tips, tricks, examples and tutorials. Updated regularly.
Sketch Hidden Features
App Icon Template
… a free Photoshop resource that makes it easier for you to make icons. Edit a single object and it’ll automatically render out all the various sizes required on iOS & Android. Build in textures and colors make it easy to get started and the bundled actions make exporting a breeze.
Best practices for creating app sites
If you have a smartphone, a tablet or a regular computer, chances are you have used an app at some point. We can’t get enough of them. They make life easier and quicker. Apps help you remember things, help you find and see things and just all around help you be an awesome(r) person. There’s […]
Generate app icons of all sizes in a click!
… is a nifty HTML5 App used to create wireframes, mockups or UI concepts, prototypes depending on how you like to call them.
… Honorar Kalkulator für iPhone
… an e-mail client that was developed to change the perception and experience of sending and receiving e-mails
Easily create mobile web app mocks you can share, test on multiple platforms, and use in production. Beta. Really. Incomplete and contains bugs. But have fun already.
Typesetter & Font Viewer for iOS - Simple, colorful typesetter and font viewer for iOS. Render beautiful custom text with the built-in system fonts. Upgrade to use your own custom fonts.
Design & Code a Cool iPhone App Website in HTML5
In this tutorial we'll get a taste of what's to come in HTML5 by building a cool iPhone app website with HTML5 structure and visual styling with CSS3 effects.
Color Tool 2.0.1 Alpha