
Die Gef眉hlskonserve
The latest Tweets from Hairliche Friseurnamen (@Deef). Haarscharfe Namen mit Chaarisma und Fanthaarsie gibt鈥榮 hier. Hairein spaziert, kamm in! Freu mich immer 眉ber zugeschickte Fotos鉁岋笍鉂わ笍馃 1000 Dank!. Deutschland
Blog | Steven Wittens
A blog about random hacks, graphics and design, math and other ephemera.
Natalie Jost
Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your people.
Kyle Haskins
User Experience leader in San Francisco, Vintage Collector, Photographer
Ali Felski
50 Beautiful Blog Designs
The layout is the foundation of your website. It guides the user through the sections and tells them what is most important. It also sets the aesthetic of the website. Therefore, you need to carefully think through how you lay out content.
How much for a design?
Every week, I get emails from potential clients who all want to know one thing: How much for a design? Nine times out of ten, my answer causes them to run for the hills. Scary thing is, based on industry buzz, my prices could actually be considered totall
April Zero
See the story of Anand's life through an automatically updating dashboard
pull to inflate
File Me Away | The Random Ramblings of Josh Lehman
Cameron Moll ~ I {heart} design.
Product Strategy, UX Leadership, Coaching. Formerly at Facebook.
Stefan Asemota - Web Standards and CSS based design
New Media Creative Direction with focus on the application of web-accessibility, web-standards and online best-practices.
Jason Santa Maria
Designer by day, designer by night.
Free Web Page Headers | High Quality Images for Personal Websites and Blogs
Blog Design and Consulting by Blog Designers - The Blog Studio
Using Themes/Theme List 芦 WordPress Codex
If..Else Log
Open Switch - The future is wide open
Search on topics your interested. Read great personalised news.
Web Standards with Imagination: Dustin Diaz
Friendly Bit - Web Development Blog
Friendly Bit is a blog by Emil Stenstr枚m, a Swedish web developer that occasionally gets ideas of how to improve the internet.
Jaredigital. Have you seen my stapler?
This is the portfolio and (occasional) weblogue of Jared Christensen, a user experience designer.
mad4milk : About Mad4milk
moo fx
idoru creactive blog
The Net is Dead - Life Beyond the Buzz
Jake Nickell - Coolest dude on earth
Earth's coolest dude, Jake Nickell has a website and this is it. Go to this website if you want to learn more about Jake.
Encytemedia: blog
45royale - Web Design and Development
We're an experienced remote web design company creating top-notch websites and applications for design-minded organizations and their customers.
Dangergraphics.com // Portfolio
Jason is a Principal Visual Designer at Cooper. He is a multidisciplinary designer with a focus on creating high-quality engaging user experiences. With a background in illustration, he is a strong intuitive, independent thinker who believes design is an empowering and collaborative process.