What I learned from 200 design interviews – Playground Inc. – Medium
Graphic design freelancers get paid - collect from bad clients
Getting paid is the single most important aspect of being a freelancer, so make sure that you take your time and do things right.
The Art of Business: Finally, a Design Contract for the Little Guy
Client contracts are essential, but if you're a small to mid-sized business, hiring a lawyer to create them may be beyond your means. The new "Standard Form of Agreement for Graphic Design Services" published by the American Institute of Graphic Arts can
Creative Latitude: Figuring your houlry rate | Neil's Newbies
How do you Rate? — Figuring your real hourly rate.
Designers: How much to charge & how to get paid
One of the most often asked questions by new designers, part-time freelancers and those wishing to make a go at freelancing full time is what to charge. […]
Why Hire an Expert?
What happened to the mutual respect that web professionals are supposed to pay one another? I mean, I know there's not a formal guild or anything, but seriously - why on earth would anyone want to go out and throw a colleague under a bus without provocati
Pricing a Project