iOS 9 App Icon Template

App Icon Template
… a free Photoshop resource that makes it easier for you to make icons. Edit a single object and it’ll automatically render out all the various sizes required on iOS & Android. Build in textures and colors make it easy to get started and the bundled actions make exporting a breeze.
Meteocons is a set of weather icons, it consists of 40+ icons available in PSD, CSH, EPS, SVG, Desktop Fonts and Web Font. All updates are free and will always be free.
30 Free UI Kits Featuring Detailed Web Elements
When working under time constraints or on a tight budget crafting every single UI element by hand in Photoshop just isn't economical. Thankfully there's a range of ready-made web elements available in UI kits that can be quickly copied over to your own website or web app design projects. This post rounds up a collection […]
App Icon Template
Codingpeople - Design trifft HTML
PSD nach XHTML/CSS, Wordpress, TYPO3, Joomla, …
free ui set from medialoot
… and a preview of what’s to come