

#resolution #design
Resolution Independent Fever
Resolution Independent Fever
Resolution independence is the notion that all graphics on a computer display should be zoomable to an arbitrary multiplier without losing quality. If you know even the slightest thing about computer graphics, you’ll understand that in a resolution independent world, bitmaps are out and vector graphics are in. Vector graphics can scale gracefully to an […]
Resolution Independent Fever
icon size : WWDC and Beyond : Iconfactory (16.Aug.06)
icon size : WWDC and Beyond : Iconfactory (16.Aug.06)
[…] For the past few years, we have been anticipating the need for larger and larger graphics in user interfaces. This need is driven by displays with higher densities—in a few years time, our current 100 dpi displays will seem as quaint as a 640×480
icon size : WWDC and Beyond : Iconfactory (16.Aug.06)