Which UI design tool should I use in 2020?

From Sketch to XD: why I made the switch
Awesome Design Plugins (XD, Sketch, Figma)
Design Tool Showdown — Adobe XD vs. Sketch (2019) - UX Planet
A New System for Designing Motion With Both Sketch and Figma
Sketch vs Figma, Adobe XD, And Other UI Design Applications — Smashing Magazine
Generating multi-brand multi-platform icons with Sketch and a Node.js script
Humaaans: Mix-&-Match illustration library
When you say “Wireframe”, you actually mean “Sketch”
Adobe XD or Sketch + Silver Flows — Which should you be using?
Craft by InVision LABS
[…] a suite of plugins to let you design with real data in mind. Manage them via the new Craft Manager for incredibly easy updating.
Sketchbooks of a Web Developer
Responsive Sketch Pad
Quickly generate cross-platform application ideas. Brainstorm breakpoints and get a handle on how a website might translate to mobile and tablet versions. This pad has 2 device silhouettes on the front and 3 on the back.
Features:- Printing on both sides- Dot grid, 150 PPI- Letter size- Project Name, Screen, Date & Note fields- 50 sheets, 110g/m² paper- Cardboard back- Rounded bottom two corners- 100% Recyclable
This pad works with our website stencil and pixel ruler (sold separately).
Dot Grid Book
Ghostly is a record label and art company that aims to provide work of high quality, integrity and individuality.
Responsive Design Sketchbook
Responsive Design Sketchbook
UI Stencils—Website Stencil Kit
Website Stencil Kit
Discovering Sketch
“the designer’s toolbox”
Sketch Tips
… tips, tricks, examples and tutorials. Updated regularly.
Sketch Hidden Features
Responsive Web Design Sketch Sheets
The Messy Art Of UX Sketching
UI Stencils
Stencils, Sketch Pads & Accessories for User Interface Design
Ogilvy Notes
Web Design Sketchbook
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