Multiple CSS background images

decaffeinated archives :: Multiplicity
multiple backgrounds in css3
Introducing the CSS3 Multi-Column Module (A List Apart: Articles)
Cédric Savarese would like you to meet the CSS3 multi-column module. It may not have extensive browser support yet, but this semantically sound method of dividing content into columns may be more r…
CSS3 Multi-Colum Layout Demonstration and Documentation -
CSS Navigation Techniques (36 entries)
Vitaly Friedman is a creative web designer from Saarbruecken, Germany, who creates simple, accessible and user-friendly webdesign. Once, being inspired by your own imagination, you take a pencil in your hand. You see blurred images running over and over again in your head. You release your spirit of inspiration.
CSS Help Pile: Links and Discussion About the Best CSS Resources Available on the Web - artypapers
An experiment gone useful
Web Creme
Web design inspiration
Stefan Asemota - Web Standards and CSS based design
New Media Creative Direction with focus on the application of web-accessibility, web-standards and online best-practices.
Jason Santa Maria
Designer by day, designer by night.
Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign - A List Apart Article
The difference between redesigns that make you look busy and give your stakeholders something else to argue about, and strategic overhauls that reposition your brand and help you set and reach busi…
If..Else Log
CSS Positioning (
CSS Basics - Making Cascading Style Sheets Easy to Understand
Everything you ever wanted to know about the basics of CSS
Friendly Bit - Web Development Blog
Friendly Bit is a blog by Emil Stenström, a Swedish web developer that occasionally gets ideas of how to improve the internet.
Web Developer's Handbook: developing web-sites, exploring own imagination | CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.
Vitaly Friedman is a creative web designer from Saarbruecken, Germany, who creates simple, accessible and user-friendly webdesign. Once, being inspired by your own imagination, you take a pencil in your hand. You see blurred images running over and over again in your head. You release your spirit of inspiration.
CSS Templates [intensivstation]
CSS Layout Generator
This generator will create a fluid or fixed width floated column layout, with up to 3 columns and with header and footer.