Thismanslife : Design, Graphics, Photography // James Mellers, Nottingham UK

Design - Free CSS Shopping Cart, css2, web standards, xhtml, web 2.0.
What is freeCSScart? Imagine the ability to make a shopping-cart look the way you want. No, not just be able change the background color of a table, but completely change the form and function of a shopping cart with a switch of your css file. Now imagine
Multiple CSS background images
decaffeinated archives :: Multiplicity
multiple backgrounds in css3
Introducing the CSS3 Multi-Column Module (A List Apart: Articles)
Cédric Savarese would like you to meet the CSS3 multi-column module. It may not have extensive browser support yet, but this semantically sound method of dividing content into columns may be more r…
CSS3 Multi-Colum Layout Demonstration and Documentation -
CSS Navigation Techniques (36 entries)
Vitaly Friedman is a creative web designer from Saarbruecken, Germany, who creates simple, accessible and user-friendly webdesign. Once, being inspired by your own imagination, you take a pencil in your hand. You see blurred images running over and over again in your head. You release your spirit of inspiration.
css switcher - Invasion of the Body Switchers (ALA)
css style sheet switcher
CSS Help Pile: Links and Discussion About the Best CSS Resources Available on the Web - artypapers
An experiment gone useful
Web Creme
Web design inspiration
Dragon Labs
Cameron Moll ~ I {heart} design.
Product Strategy, UX Leadership, Coaching. Formerly at Facebook.
Color Tool 2.0.1 Alpha
Lightbox JS v2.0
Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers. What's New in Version 2.0 - Image Sets: group related images and navigate through them with ease - Visual Effec
Stefan Asemota - Web Standards and CSS based design
New Media Creative Direction with focus on the application of web-accessibility, web-standards and online best-practices.
Jason Santa Maria
Designer by day, designer by night.
Free Web Page Headers | High Quality Images for Personal Websites and Blogs
Top CSS Layout Download Sites, Hacks, Galleries and Tricks
Blog Design and Consulting by Blog Designers - The Blog Studio
CSS Formatierer und Optimierer (basierend auf CSSTidy 1.2beta)
Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign - A List Apart Article
The difference between redesigns that make you look busy and give your stakeholders something else to argue about, and strategic overhauls that reposition your brand and help you set and reach busi…
Using Themes/Theme List « WordPress Codex
If..Else Log
Layout Gala: a collection of 40 CSS layouts based on the same markup and ready for download!
wg:Filler text on demand
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Background Image Maker
Web Design Times
AJAX Activity indicators | Animated GIFs designed to indicate your site is doing something
A collection of royalty-free animated GIF icons to use when your web application is loading
CSS Positioning (
CSS Basics - Making Cascading Style Sheets Easy to Understand
Everything you ever wanted to know about the basics of CSS