

Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz für Websites ab 2025 | VERDURE
Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz für Websites ab 2025 | VERDURE
Ab Mitte 2025 müssen Websites, die elektronische Dienstleistungen anbieten, barrierefrei sein. Was das bedeutet und welche Folgen das hat?
Diese “Four Principles of Accessibility” oder “Vier Prinzipien der Barrierefreiheit” stellen die Grundlage der Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), die seit 2018 in Fassung 2.1 als Goldstandard für barrierefreie Websites gelten.
Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz für Websites ab 2025 | VERDURE
Don’t Override Screen Reader Pronunciation
Don’t Override Screen Reader Pronunciation
When many devs, testers, and authors first start listening to content through a screen reader, they are surprised to hear dates, pricing, names, abbreviations, acronyms, etc. announced differently than they expect. With the best of intentions (or branding panic) they may seek to force screen readers to announce content as…
Don’t Override Screen Reader Pronunciation
Cassana (
Cassana (
Content warning: long post on accessibility advice from a blind screen reader user
Cassana (
LTR NCND: Neither Confirm Nor Deny!
LTR NCND: Neither Confirm Nor Deny!
An interpolating, textured, monospaced variable typewriter font by LettError Type. The typeface does some spectacular interpolation, and is ready for interaction and animation (while compact enough to be used on the web.)
LTR NCND: Neither Confirm Nor Deny!
The name of this page is a play on the CSS-Tricks name. My site generally is full of accessibility “tricks”, but this page specifically collects a few other places where I have left accessibility tricks behind. CSS-Tricks Following are links to posts at CSS-Tricks where I (mostly) left comments. Some…
Moritz F. Fürst – Smalltalk Type
Moritz F. Fürst – Smalltalk Type
Moritz Fürst is a STS researcher and public communication professional currently based in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Moritz F. Fürst – Smalltalk Type
Alt Text in R: Plots, Reports, and Shiny
Alt Text in R: Plots, Reports, and Shiny
Alt text is text that describes the appearance and purpose of an image. This blog post will show you how to include alt text in your web applications and documents when you've built them in R.
Alt Text in R: Plots, Reports, and Shiny
Interface-Design, UX und die Forschung
Interface-Design, UX und die Forschung
Es ist kompliziert Wie oft haben Sie ein digitales Forschungsangebot in Ihrem Browser oder gar auf Ihrem Smartphone geöffnet und gedacht: Mensch, das ist mal ein ansprechendes Design! Und so einfach! Nie? Selten? Das wundert nicht. Im Kontext von Forschungssoftware – und dazu zähle ich digitale Editionen oder Browser-basierte Software – gilt in der Regel: … Interface-Design, UX und die Forschung weiterlesen
Interface-Design, UX und die Forschung
The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted
The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted
New web services are being built to a self-defeatingly low UX and performance standard, and existing experiences are now pervasively re-developed on unspeakably slow, JS-taxed stacks. At a business level, this is a disaster, raising the question: why are new teams buying into stacks that have failed so often before?
The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted