

Golden Ratio Typography (GRT) Calculator
Golden Ratio Typography (GRT) Calculator
Discover the perfect typography for your website by entering your current font, font size, and content width Optimize for font size, line height, and even characters per line (CPL) Experiment with new fonts and different sizes on any device Apply GRT to your own projects with the free responsive GRT CSS loadout! The GR
Golden Ratio Typography (GRT) Calculator
How to Tune Typography Based on Characters Per Line
How to Tune Typography Based on Characters Per Line
In my research into Golden Ratio Typography, I focused primarily on the core geometric properties of text—font size, line height, and line width. But there’s another facet of text that nearly all of the existing research on typography deals with: It’s called characters per line (CPL). If you’ve ever read a study on t
How to Tune Typography Based on Characters Per Line
Myths about Web Accessibility
Myths about Web Accessibility
Web Accessibility is a must in every web development project, yet it seems to remain a mystery for many web developers. Like it's something legendary instead of an essential skill needed for the job. There are many misconceptions surrounding Web Accessibility, most of the time fueled by a lack of knowledge (or interest) in the matter. This article is a collection of some of those accessibility misconceptions or myths. :: Blog post at Alvaro Montoro's Personal Website.
Myths about Web Accessibility
Christina Workman: Understanding Neurodisabilities: Computers Don’t Run the Same OS; Neither Do Our Individual Brains
Christina Workman: Understanding Neurodisabilities: Computers Don’t Run the Same OS; Neither Do Our Individual Brains
You might know something about cognitive and neurological disabilities, but have you ever considered how these impact the way someone interacts with a website? This talk offers an opportunity to learn more.
Christina Workman: Understanding Neurodisabilities: Computers Don’t Run the Same OS; Neither Do Our Individual Brains