

Mobile-First CSS: Is It Time for a Rethink?
Mobile-First CSS: Is It Time for a Rethink?
Is mobile-first CSS always the best option? Patrick Clancey explores the pros and cons of the classic methodology, as well as when other solutions might work better.
Mobile-First CSS: Is It Time for a Rethink?
Dan Mall on Twitter
Dan Mall on Twitter
Following up on my #designsystem hot take from last week, I wrote down some thoughts about the folly of chasing the idea of “foundations:”— Dan Mall (@danmall) June 13, 2022
Dan Mall on Twitter
Component Encyclopedia
Component Encyclopedia
Explore the world’s UI components to learn techniques that actually work
Component Encyclopedia
A color tool for accessible schemes
A color tool for accessible schemes
Leonardo is an open source project from Adobe that helps you pick accessible colors. There’s a JavaScript API along with a browser tool that lets you select colors interactively. Color is a c…
A color tool for accessible schemes
Checklist for Moderating a Usability Test
Checklist for Moderating a Usability Test
Moderating a usability test? Follow these 10 simple steps to make your sessions go smoothly. Download an example facilitator guide at the bottom of this article.
Checklist for Moderating a Usability Test
Free loaders & spinners for your next project. Built with HTML, CSS and a soupçon of SVG. Available for React and copypasta.
What is Object Oriented UX | OOUX
What is Object Oriented UX | OOUX
OOUX is a philosophy and set of principles that help UX designers break down complexity, understand requirements, synthesize research, and facilitate collaboration.
What is Object Oriented UX | OOUX
Designing A Better Language Selector
Designing A Better Language Selector
How difficult can it be to design a bulletproof language selector? It’s not as straightforward as one might think. We need to avoid redirects, decouple our language and country presets, allow for overrides, and use non-modal windows. Let’s dive in!
Designing A Better Language Selector
Humane Design: Avoiding the term "User" - Documentation / Best-practices
Humane Design: Avoiding the term "User" - Documentation / Best-practices
It was Aral Balkan that put in strongest words that we should avoid the term “Users” when developing free software. That the term “User” is indicative of the dependency relationship that Big Tech and surveillance capitalism has created between people and the technology they use. One that it not dissimilar of a “drug addict doing drugs” i.e. a user of drugs. The argument is that abstracting people as “Users” in a way de-humanizes them. The thought is that by trying to avoid the term we ar...
Humane Design: Avoiding the term "User" - Documentation / Best-practices
Accessibility Club Meetup #11
Accessibility Club Meetup #11
A hybrid online streaming and in-person meetup for web workers & designers about web accessibility & assistive technology — May 4th, 2022, Düsseldorf
Accessibility Club Meetup #11
Ahmad Shadeed on Twitter
Ahmad Shadeed on Twitter
💡 CSS :has allows us to check if the main section contains an error and adjust the header accordingly. Neat! 🤩.main:has(.alert--error) .header { border-top: 2px solid red; background-color: #fff4f4;}Article:— Ahmad Shadeed (@shadeed9) April 18, 2022
Ahmad Shadeed on Twitter
Reasonable Colors
Reasonable Colors
Reasonable Colors is an open-source color system that makes it easy to build accessible, nice-looking color palettes.
Reasonable Colors