HRWD – Hybrid Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design Sketch Sheets
Using this app you can easily search and browse vector icons to download them or make an icon font. An icon font is a font that has symbols/icons as its glyphs. Using the IcoMoon app, you can also import your own vector images to use them in your font. This tool generates all the necessary web font formats (WOFF, TTF, SVG, and EOT). The SVG font can be imported back to the app.
… is a nifty HTML5 App used to create wireframes, mockups or UI concepts, prototypes depending on how you like to call them.
«[…] The icon(s) can be used freely in both personal and commercial projects with no attribution required, but always appreciated. […]»
Designing for Context: The Multiscreen Ecosystem
Connecting applications across smart devices creates product ecosystems that dynamically respond to user contexts for enhanced experiences.
News, resources, and tools for interface designers
Multi-Device Layout Patterns
LukeW Ideation + Design provides resources for mobile and Web product design and strategy including presentations, workshops, articles, books and more on usability, interaction design and visual design.
About those vector icons · Pushing Pixels
Creating the Windows 8 user experience - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Get the latest information, insights, announcements, and news from Microsoft.
What is User-Centered Design (UCD)?
User-centered design (UCD) is an approach to design that grounds the process in information about the people who will use the product. UCD processes focus on users through the planning, design and development of a product. […]
Ein Apple Touch Icon für die eigene Webseite erstellen | Elmastudio
WordPress Themes
Style Tiles
A Style Tile is a design deliverable consisting of fonts, colors and interface elements that communicates the evolution of a visual brand for the web. Learn how to use them here.
Skalierbare, Retina-Display ready Icon Fonts für responsive Webdesigns
Icon Fonts sind eine spannende Alternative zur Verwendung von Bildern, um skalierbare, 100% scharfe Icons in einem responsive Webdesign umzusetzen. Das Icon Font…
Font Awesome
… the iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap
Designing UX for apps
Android Design
Responsive Navigation Patterns
For the record: It’s super important for us to keep this site 100% free for you and 100% high quality. To help us do that, we’ve partnered with some of
Windows Desktop UI Concept
(The Verge Forums)
Principles for Successful Button Design
There are a thousand ways to design and create buttons today and you only need to spend a small amount of time looking through work on dribbble to get a sense of them. A great deal of these...
New iOS Design Pattern: Slide-out Navigation
Breaking Through the Glass
At the heart of contemporary digital service design, there is a co-dependent relationship between rational functionality and emotional experience.
Raising the Bar for Mobile Standards
How standards documentation puts UX at the core of mobile application development.
IA Strategy: Addressing the Signatures of Information Overload
Web magazine about user experience matters, providing insights and inspiration for the user experience community
Video Diaries: A Method for Understanding New Usage Patterns
Web magazine about user experience matters, providing insights and inspiration for the user experience community
Designing for touch
The number 1 resource for web designers and developers. In-depth features on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, Sketch and Photoshop.
Realism in UI Design
Why abstractedness is key to comprehension for icons and symbols used in UIs.
Inclusive Design
We might not realize it, but as developers, we build inaccessible websites all the time. It's not for the lack of care or talent though — it's a matter of doing things the wrong way. In our new book, Inclusive Design Patterns, Heydon Pickering explains how we can craft accessible interfaces without extra effort — and what front-end design patterns we can use to create inclusive experiences. Quality hardcover, 312 pages.
Ten Things To Think About When Designing Your iPad App
iPhone Application UI Design Patterns
Mac, iPhone & iPad interface design consulting, writing and speaking featuring tutorials, interviews, techniques and thoughts on crafting & building beautiful software. By Mike Rundle.