The McDonaldization of UX – UX Collective
Clinging to the familiar
Cutting the jargon out of your creative work
How to Design Interruptions
Design Language System
[… ]A complete fully functional product that is easy on the eye and provides a pleasant, if not out of the world, experience. Key to this is following a design language. […]
A DevTools for Designers
Optical corrections in logo design
Designing with purpose
7 Principles of Icon Design - Helena Zhang - Medium
Icons: avoid temptation and start with user needs - NHS Digital
The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted
New web services are being built to a self-defeatingly low UX and performance standard, and existing experiences are now pervasively re-developed on unspeakably slow, JS-taxed stacks. At a business level, this is a disaster, raising the question: why are new teams buying into stacks that have failed so often before?
Myths about Web Accessibility
Web Accessibility is a must in every web development project, yet it seems to remain a mystery for many web developers. Like it's something legendary instead of an essential skill needed for the job. There are many misconceptions surrounding Web Accessibility, most of the time fueled by a lack of knowledge (or interest) in the matter. This article is a collection of some of those accessibility misconceptions or myths. :: Blog post at Alvaro Montoro's Personal Website.
How will long-Covid change the accessibility landscape?
I’m sitting here contemplating my new and rather mysterious condition Long-Covid and wondering how this is changing the way I, and many…
Accessibility and web performance are not features, they’re the baseline
It's 2019! Let's End The Debate On Icon Fonts vs SVG Icons
Why Your Links Should Never Say "Click Here"
Dyslexia, and how it affects your web design
Improving text readability for dyslexic users with skip-ink underlines
In Plain Sight
Make commerce better for everyone
Designing the perfect button
Everything you need to know about what makes a button great.
The Dos and Don’ts of Pairing Typefaces
When choosing typography to use in designs, narrow down your options by understanding the most common classifications, looking for typefaces with multiple variations and distinct characters, and pairing typefaces together with consistency and readability in mind.
Kosteneinsparungen dank benutzerzentriertem Design (UCD)
(Andrea Miquel) Bereits 2005 veröffentlichte das Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) eine Studie mit dem Titel „Why Software Fails“ („Warum Software scheitert“), die einige Fakten enthielt, die schockierender Weise auch heute noch aktuell sind. In jenem Jahr wurde geschätzt, dass weltweit eine Billion Dollar für IT-Projekte, einschließlich Hardware, Software und Dienstleistungen, ausgegeben […]
De-stressing design
Exploring the impact of stress on our brains and subsequent online behaviours, and how this might be alleviated via compassionate design.
How to Sell UX Research with Two Simple Questions
It’s one reason why so many UX designers are frustrated in their job and why many projects fail. And it’s also why we often can’t sell research: every decision-maker is confident in their own menta…
Design Systems are for user interfaces
We often talk about design systems as singular entities. "The design system saves time and increases quality." "Oh, the design system provides that." "Update to the latest version of the design system." The reality is that a design system is a multi-faceted layer cake, and also operates as part of o
Designing for Long Waits and Interruptions: Mitigating Breaks in Workflow in Complex Application Design
5 guidelines help users tolerate the long waits and frequent interruptions that are typical of complex workflows
3D prototyping tools for 2D designers | by G.E. Karen Lee | May, 2021 | UX Collective
How to prepare for the future.
What Japan can teach us about UX and Universal Design | by Rishma Hansil | UX Collective
The simplicity and efficiency of Japanese products have been admired for centuries around the world. 思いやり (omoiyari, consideration) and…
What Japan can teach us about UX and product design
In a previous article I wrote about what Japan can teach us about UX and Universal Design. However, Japan's product design is another area…