30 Free UI Kits Featuring Detailed Web Elements
When working under time constraints or on a tight budget crafting every single UI element by hand in Photoshop just isn't economical. Thankfully there's a range of ready-made web elements available in UI kits that can be quickly copied over to your own website or web app design projects. This post rounds up a collection […]
50 Beautiful Free Icon Sets For Your Next Design
Round-ups of beautiful and useful **icons** are almost legendary here, on Smashing Magazine. While some readers complain about the annoying "list"-style of some of our articles, we are confident that useful round-ups of relevant resources are very valuable and useful for designers. This is why over months we collect useful links and then present them in posts in the magazine. Like it or hate it, but the feedback that we get from the design community when we publish such posts is mostly positive which is why we keep doing it.