Making work accessible creates a better experience across the board. Use this checklist to help build accessibility into your process no matter your role or stage in a project.
Über Accessibility-Overlays wurde in den letzten Wochen und Monaten bereits viel geschrieben. Abgesehen von Eigenwerbung, größtenteils schlecht recherchierten Presseartikeln und PR in eigener Sache, setzen sich alle anderen Veröffentlichungen sehr kritisch mit Accessibility-Overlays auseinander. Diese Veröffentlichungen stammen von Accessibility-Experten, Menschen mit Behinderung in eigener Sache und Juristen.
What exactly are accessibility overlays? Accessibility overlays are applications and coding that “sits” between your website (or other digital content) and assistive technology. Their goal is to allow business owners...
Moral Injuries of War with Jack Saul and Esther Perel
Moral Injuries of War is an immersive experience forging new ways to contemplate and heal from war through testimony, movement, and public conversation.
Steuern durch Denken möglich?: Neurologen und Psychiater im Netz
Eine Steuerung von Neuroprothesen in Echtzeit ist möglich und erfolgt natürlicher, wenn die Absicht einer kontinuierlichen Bewegung aus menschlichen Hirnsignalen ausgelesen wird.
Designing For Accessibility And Inclusion — Smashing Magazine
The more inclusive you are to the needs of your users, the more accessible your design is. Let's take a closer look at the different lenses of accessibility through which you can refine your designs.
A Smashing Guide To The World Of Search Engine Optimization — Smashing Magazine
SEO is an ever-changing world. Blink and you’ll miss the latest best practices, thought leaders, and tools. Feeling out of touch is natural. This guide is your way back into the groove, baby.
Designing Safer Web Animation For Motion Sensitivity
For millions of people with vertigo and inner ear problems, large-scale web animations can trigger nausea, migraines, and dizziness. To make websites accessible for everyone, we don’t need to elimi…