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Activating sustainability in the design process
Activating sustainability in the design process
Design decisions have an impact on societies and the environment. Making the impact of design tangible facilitates the mitigation of its negative consequences. The purpose of this paper is to outline what methods and actions a User Experience (UX) practitioner could use in order to support sustainable development. At Ergosign GmbH, an agency creating digital experiences, we conducted a review of existing guidelines and principles to determine the relevance and usefulness of those frameworks in the User Experience Design (UXD) context. The analysis resulted in the creation of six guiding principles to introduce sustainability concerns into the design process. Additionally, we mapped related UX methods and heuristics to each principle. Each of the six principles, as well as an exemplary method, are described in detail in this article. A first practical evaluation of the principles suggests that assessing impact and identifying preventive actions is possible at all stages of the design process. Furthermore, there is no strict correlation of a principle with a particular project phase. While an early analysis generates a more holistic action plan, a later assessment provides more concrete advice. Both approaches can deliver notable improvements in the reduction of resource usage.
Activating sustainability in the design process
Friedrich Forssman über das neue Reclam Design
Friedrich Forssman über das neue Reclam Design
Friedrich Forssman ist vielen Typografieliebhabern und Designern durch die Standardwerke »Detailtypografie« und »Lesetypografie« bekannt. Er ist einer der führenden Buchgestalter Deutschlands. Zusammen mit seiner Frau, der Textildesigerin Cornelia Feyll, hat er seit einigen Jahren Einzelwerke und Reihen für den Reclam-Verlag neu gestaltet, zuletzt die Universal-Bibliothek, auch bekannt als »Reclam-Hefte«. Klassiker wie die Reclam-Hefte neu zu […]
Friedrich Forssman über das neue Reclam Design
BDG-Feierabend on air: Vanilla-Webdesign
BDG-Feierabend on air: Vanilla-Webdesign
VANILLA WEB DESIGNGestalten mit Browser, Git und KirbyWieso als Designer:in mit Git arbeiten? Weshalb den Browser als wichtigste App schätzen? Und warum Kirby als Redaktionssystem nutzen?Johanna und Nils sprechen darüber, wie sie als Designteam ihren Tech Stack aus Browser, Text Editor, Git und Kirby CMS für detailorientiertes Gestalten im Web nutzen. Sie beleuchten Projektabläufe, Prozesse und Systeme von Konzeption und Entwurf zu nachhaltiger Realisierung.WerJohanna und Nils Hörrmann bilden das interdisziplinäre Büro für Gestaltung hana+nils aus Braunschweig. Seit 2011 erarbeiten sie mit Kund:innen aus dem In- und Ausland visuelle Projekte in Print und Web.
BDG-Feierabend on air: Vanilla-Webdesign
Creating Accessible UI Animations
Creating Accessible UI Animations
Animation and accessibility are often seen as two separate powers at odds with one another. How is it possible to strike a balance between elements that move and the possible negative effects they expose to users who are sensitive to motion? Oriana García explains how her team at Mercado Libre tackled the challenge by creating guiding principles for applying animation to user interfaces and incorporating them into the team’s design system.
Creating Accessible UI Animations
Own Your Web
Own Your Web
Own Your Web is a newsletter by Matthias Ott about designing, building, creating, and publishing for and on the Web. Every other week, I send out an exclusive email full of actionable insights, best practices, hacks, links, books, tools, and other high-quality insights I found or explored. Whether you want to get started with your own personal website or level up as a designer, developer, or independent creator working with the ever-changing material of the Web, this little email is for you. ❤✊ Free. No spam ever. You can unsubscribe at any time. By signing up, you consent to my use of your email address to stay in touch with you, as provided in my Privacy Policy.
Own Your Web