Iconic icons: Celebrating design’s nifty little helpers
The Magnifying-Glass Icon in Search Design: Pros and Cons
However, for accessibility reasons, remember to include the word “search” or its translation as an ALT text for any graphics-only button.
Material Icons: Sehee Lee
An interview with Senior Visual Designer leading icons and design systems for Google Fonts, Sehee Lee
Solid vs Outline » Welches Icon ist besser zu erkennen?
Solid Vs. Outline Icons: Which Are Faster to Recognize?
Developing an Open Source Icon System at Microsoft
A Q+A between our community and design leads about our new Fluent icons.
7 Principles of Icon Design - Helena Zhang - Medium
Icons: avoid temptation and start with user needs - NHS Digital
Redesigning the Office App Icons to Embrace a New World of Work
American Teen Lesbian Heartthrob
How I Design Custom Icons
Pictograms: Past, Present, & Future
Designer Toshiya on designing pictograms for both print & online (& what the future holds) bit.ly/2ehrTyT #icons #webicons
Thoughts on the new official Apple app icon template
It’s not a squircle, it’s a roundrect!
A Designer’s Guide to Grumpicon, or: How I Learned to Stop Using Font Icons and Love SVGs
The Making of Octicons
In our last post we announced Octicons, our new icon font. We put a lot of work into the font and gained a lot of knowledge in the process. With five different designers working to
About those vector icons · Pushing Pixels
Skalierbare, Retina-Display ready Icon Fonts für responsive Webdesigns
Icon Fonts sind eine spannende Alternative zur Verwendung von Bildern, um skalierbare, 100% scharfe Icons in einem responsive Webdesign umzusetzen. Das Icon Font…
Resolution Independent Fever
Resolution independence is the notion that all graphics on a computer display should be zoomable to an arbitrary multiplier without losing quality. If you know even the slightest thing about computer graphics, you’ll understand that in a resolution independent world, bitmaps are out and vector graphics are in. Vector graphics can scale gracefully to an […]
Resolution Independence for Developers
We offer some advice for developers who are working with resolution independent applications.