The name of this page is a play on the CSS-Tricks name. My site generally is full of accessibility “tricks”, but this page specifically collects a few other places where I have left accessibility tricks behind. CSS-Tricks Following are links to posts at CSS-Tricks where I (mostly) left comments. Some…
A Guide To Keyboard Accessibility: HTML And CSS (Part 1)
This article is the first of two parts about a guide to making websites accessible to keyboard users. Here Cristian Diaz covers a good set of practices and recommendations on how to use HTML and CSS to create a great experience for keyboard users.
Markup: Webdesign mit Webstandards, CSS, XHTML, Barrierefreiheit
Markup ist die private Website mit Journal zu Webdesign mit Webstandandards, CSS und XHTML von Björn Seibert. Wichtigste Themenbereiche dieser Website : Artikel erscheinen im Journal bzw. Weblog zu Webstandards, CSS, (X)HTML, Accessibility (Barrierefreih