Making work accessible creates a better experience across the board. Use this checklist to help build accessibility into your process no matter your role or stage in a project.
The `prefers-reduced-motion` media query has excellent support in all modern browsers going back a couple of years. In this article, Michelle Barker explains why there’s no reason not to use it today to make your sites more accessible.
Accessibility (Barrierefreiheit) in WordPress: Best Practices
Schritt für Schritt zur Accessibility: Barrierefreiheit für WordPress Seiten. Best Practices & Plugins für barrierefreie Websites. Jetzt lesen & mehr erfahren.
On Nielsen's ideas about generative UI for resolving accessibility
"Accessibility has failed as a way to make computers usable for disabled users." Thus begins a newsletter by Jakob Nielsen. And had it not been written by someone a great many people take seriously in the UX industry I likely would just have dismissed it. But seeing how harmful I
Accessibility Has Failed: Try Generative UI = Individualized UX
Traditional methods for accessibility have been tried for 30 years without substantially improving computer usability for disabled users. It’s time for a change, and AI will soon come to the rescue with the ability to generate a different user interface for every user, optimized for that person’s unique needs.
Download the Web Accessibility Checker, a FREE tool that tests your website for ADA and WCAG compliance. Simply add this plugin to your Chrome browser and start scanning.
Über Accessibility-Overlays wurde in den letzten Wochen und Monaten bereits viel geschrieben. Abgesehen von Eigenwerbung, größtenteils schlecht recherchierten Presseartikeln und PR in eigener Sache, setzen sich alle anderen Veröffentlichungen sehr kritisch mit Accessibility-Overlays auseinander. Diese Veröffentlichungen stammen von Accessibility-Experten, Menschen mit Behinderung in eigener Sache und Juristen.
What exactly are accessibility overlays? Accessibility overlays are applications and coding that “sits” between your website (or other digital content) and assistive technology. Their goal is to allow business owners...
Dieser Leitfaden wurde verfasst, um bei der Erstellung bzw. Bearbeitung barrierefreier E-Books Klarheit und Abhilfe zu schaffen. Dazu wird eingangs zunächst auf die Zielgruppen barrierefreier E-Books und ihre Bedürfnisse eingegangen.
Animation and accessibility are often seen as two separate powers at odds with one another. How is it possible to strike a balance between elements that move and the possible negative effects they expose to users who are sensitive to motion? Oriana García explains how her team at Mercado Libre tackled the challenge by creating guiding principles for applying animation to user interfaces and incorporating them into the team’s design system.
Let's be clear about this: Accessibility is not a feature. Inaccessibility is a bug.
If your software or website is inaccessible, that renders it unusable to the end user. It is broken, in other words.
Let's be clear about this: Accessibility is not a feature. Inaccessibility is a bug.
Include—Accessibility Annotations | Figma Community
Include is a tool built to make annotating for accessibility (a11y) easier—easier for designers to spec and easier for developers to understand what is required. The intent is to have accessibility considerations included during the design phase of any project, and to help with the designer-devel...
Include is a tool built to make annotating for accessibility (a11y) easier—easier for designers to spec and easier for developers to understand what is required.
nclude is a tool built to make annotating for accessibility (a11y) easier—easier for designers to spec and easier for developers to understand what is required.