Animation and accessibility are often seen as two separate powers at odds with one another. How is it possible to strike a balance between elements that move and the possible negative effects they expose to users who are sensitive to motion? Oriana GarcĂa explains how her team at Mercado Libre tackled the challenge by creating guiding principles for applying animation to user interfaces and incorporating them into the team’s design system.
A Guide To Keyboard Accessibility: HTML And CSS (Part 1)
This article is the first of two parts about a guide to making websites accessible to keyboard users. Here Cristian Diaz covers a good set of practices and recommendations on how to use HTML and CSS to create a great experience for keyboard users.
I’ve been reading lots more non-fiction books than normal. And I’m getting increasingly annoyed about footnotes1. Footnotes are a weird skeuomorph hangover from the days of printed text…
WCAG 2.1 is the standard used by EN 301 549, the European procurement rules, and you need to pass these success criteria to comply with the UK Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018