Making work accessible creates a better experience across the board. Use this checklist to help build accessibility into your process no matter your role or stage in a project.
Animation and accessibility are often seen as two separate powers at odds with one another. How is it possible to strike a balance between elements that move and the possible negative effects they expose to users who are sensitive to motion? Oriana García explains how her team at Mercado Libre tackled the challenge by creating guiding principles for applying animation to user interfaces and incorporating them into the team’s design system.
Towards Individuated Reading Experiences: Different Fonts Increase Reading Speed for Different Individuals | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
In our age of ubiquitous digital displays, adults often read in short, opportunistic
interludes. In this context of Interlude Reading, we consider if manipulating font choice can improve adult readers’ reading outcomes.
Our studies normalize font size by ...