Die hier kurz vorgestellten Apps liegen dem Autor entweder als Testversion oder mit erworbener Lizenz vor. Das Hauptkriterium zur Auswahl war eine aktive Entwicklung der Programme.
… an easy to use, open-source, native colour picker for macOS. Pika makes it simple to quickly find colours onscreen, in the format you need, so you can get on with being a speedy, successful designer.
… a desktop app that lets you build responsive websites faster with live multi-page editing, CSS styling and smart components for Bootstrap, Foundation, AngularJS and WordPress.
Icon Composer 2x is a replacement for Apple's Icon Composer that supports Retina Resolution Icons. On GitHub: https://github.com/lemonmojo/IconComposer2x
… a specialized remote screen viewing application intended as a tool to help designers create graphics for mobile applications, it has also proven to be useful for creating quick and dirty simulations, demos, and experience prototypes.
compile Compass/Sass easily without resorting to command line interface — Compass.app helps designers compile stylesheets easily without resorting to command line interface. It is written in Java and works in Windows/Linux/Mac OS X.