Gorton recreations
January’s Font of the Month: Daily Special
The type foundry of David Jonathan Ross (DJR), home of the Font of the Month Club. Making fonts such as Fit, Forma DJR, Gimlet, Manicotti, Input, Turnip, Condor, Trilby, Fern, and Output.
The hardest working font in Manhattan
A story of a 150-year-old font you have never heard of – and one you probably saw earlier today.
Downloads/Donations - National Park Typeface
Download the typeface National Park is an open source typeface published for free use under the SIL Open Font License. ↓ National Park Variable...
Verzettelt? Warum die Strahlkraft des Design Thinking nachlässt - t3n – digital pioneers
Design Thinking versprach, Innovationen in der Produktentwicklung zu demokratisieren. Hat der Ansatz etwa das Gegenteil bewirkt?
Atkinson Hyperlegible Font - Braille Institute
Read easier with Atkinson Hyperlegible Font, crafted for low-vision readers. Download for free and enjoy clear letters and numbers on your computer!
Neonsfeer Neon Beleuchtung
Neonschild-Design? 7000+ zufriedene Kunden. Durchschnittliche Bewertung 9,6. Kundenspezifische LED-Neonbeleuchtung mit 90% weniger Stromverbrauch, +100% Qualität und Service.
Line length revisited: following the research
Recent eye movement research is reviewed which questions whether long line lengths do cause reading difficulties.
Why We Switched to Figma for Icon Design
Unlock the full potential of your icon creation with Figma for icon design. Discover why our designers at Font Awesome made the switch.
Font | NDS
Choosing the right font for learners will increase retention time, reduce fatigue and support good stress. A legible, readable font should be a sans-serif, humanist typeface, with suitable letter and word spacing. Simple shapes assist with speed and help reduce cognitive loads.
Readex Pro
is the world-script expansion of Lexend. Lexend is a variable font empirically shown to significantly improve reading-proficiency.
Lexend — Change the way the world reads.
Atkinson Hyperlegible Specimen PDF
… a typeface created in partnership with Braille Institute of America. It has been developed specifically to increase legibility for readers with low vision, and to improve comprehension.
Fonts for dyslexics: comments by Stephan Peters
Type design pages for Stephan Peters. Fonts for dyslexics: comments by Stephan Peters. Type design information compiled and maintained by Luc Devroye.
Activating sustainability in the design process
Design decisions have an impact on societies and the environment. Making the impact of design tangible facilitates the mitigation of its negative consequences. The purpose of this paper is to outline what methods and actions a User Experience (UX) practitioner could use in order to support sustainable development. At Ergosign GmbH, an agency creating digital experiences, we conducted a review of existing guidelines and principles to determine the relevance and usefulness of those frameworks in the User Experience Design (UXD) context. The analysis resulted in the creation of six guiding principles to introduce sustainability concerns into the design process. Additionally, we mapped related UX methods and heuristics to each principle. Each of the six principles, as well as an exemplary method, are described in detail in this article. A first practical evaluation of the principles suggests that assessing impact and identifying preventive actions is possible at all stages of the design process. Furthermore, there is no strict correlation of a principle with a particular project phase. While an early analysis generates a more holistic action plan, a later assessment provides more concrete advice. Both approaches can deliver notable improvements in the reduction of resource usage.
Making Numbers in Web Content Accessible - TPGi
Numbers are a key part of web content. It makes sense, then, that when we use numbers, they must be accessible.
WebAIM: PDF Accessibility - Converting Documents to PDF
Carefully crafted isometric icons.
Vox Product Accessibility Guidelines
Making work accessible creates a better experience across the board. Use this checklist to help build accessibility into your process no matter your role or stage in a project.
Buy fonts from the world’s favorite typography blog, I Love Typography (ILT)
Buy fonts from your favorite indie foundries – on the world's favorite typography blog
Buy fonts from the world’s favorite typography blog, I Love Typography (ILT)
Buy fonts from your favorite indie foundries – on the world's favorite typography blog
Leap Before You Look: Black Mountain College 1933-1957 | Hammer Museum
The first comprehensive museum exhibition in the US about Black Mountain College, an experimental liberal arts college where artists like Robert Rauchenberg, John Cage, and Merce Cunningham studied and taught.
Nollie Design Ventures (@nolliedesigndotcom) on Threads
To understand how to make a new generation of Multidisciplinary Designers, you have to look back to when Multidisciplinary skills were valued... So I'm spending my morning dissecting the Bauhaus...
Noah Liebman | (Old) hypertext in (new) hypertext
Replicating the unique layout of a _daf_ of Talmud in a web browser
Sidebar is taking a break
The five best design links, every weekday.
The "Disability Pride Flag" by Ann Magill (me) has been redesigned. : r/disability
getting the exact colors precisely right isn't as important as keeping the general, overall pattern consistent
A 100-Year View of User Experience
The UX profession has grown substantially since 1950 everywhere in the world. Even so, the expected growth until 2050 will dwarf anything we’ve seen so far.
Friedrich Forssman über das neue Reclam Design
Friedrich Forssman ist vielen Typografieliebhabern und Designern durch die Standardwerke »Detailtypografie« und »Lesetypografie« bekannt. Er ist einer der führenden Buchgestalter Deutschlands. Zusammen mit seiner Frau, der Textildesigerin Cornelia Feyll, hat er seit einigen Jahren Einzelwerke und Reihen für den Reclam-Verlag neu gestaltet, zuletzt die Universal-Bibliothek, auch bekannt als »Reclam-Hefte«. Klassiker wie die Reclam-Hefte neu zu […]