Standard photographic print sizes are used in photographic printing. Cut sheets of paper meant for printing photographs are commonly sold in these sizes.
There have been many standard sizes of paper at different times and in different countries, but today there are two widespread systems in use: the international standard (A4 and its siblings) and the North American sizes.
Gute Visitenkarten? Feines Briefpapier? Schöne Einladungen? Martin Z. Schröder druckt Visitenkarten, Briefpapier, Einladungen vom Bleisatz und als Letterpress (Prägung) von digitalen oder handgemachten Vorlagen auf feinste Papiere.
a book of … self-produced tests … send to print … using the online print-on-demand system Lulu. The book project will therefore act as a colour/type/pattern test of the very system with which it is produced.