Trans Inclusive Design: Gender UIPart I in a series that explores inclusive design at Betterment. This post focuses on making the case to remove the ‘gender question’ as well as some takeaways for building inclusive products.#trans#inclusive#design#gender#UI#UX#recommended··Nov 28, 2022Trans Inclusive Design: Gender UI
Designing for gender neutrality – How innovative thinking can define the visual future#ux#design#diversity#gender#neutrality#recommended··Oct 12, 2021Designing for gender neutrality – How innovative thinking can define the visual future
What Would Language Look Like if We Simply Did Away with Gendered Pronouns? | | Eye on Design#gender#design#typography#ted#article#recommended#read later 🔖··May 14, 2019What Would Language Look Like if We Simply Did Away with Gendered Pronouns? | | Eye on Design
The World is Designed for Men – How Bias is Built into Our Daily Lives#article#gender#@Kat__Ely#design#recommended··Mar 2, 2016The World is Designed for Men – How Bias is Built into Our Daily Lives