Font | NDS
Choosing the right font for learners will increase retention time, reduce fatigue and support good stress. A legible, readable font should be a sans-serif, humanist typeface, with suitable letter and word spacing. Simple shapes assist with speed and help reduce cognitive loads.
The Dos and Don’ts of Pairing Typefaces
When choosing typography to use in designs, narrow down your options by understanding the most common classifications, looking for typefaces with multiple variations and distinct characters, and pairing typefaces together with consistency and readability in mind.
Effective Use of Typography in Applications for Children
In this installment of my column, I’ll take a look at one of the most important visual design elements for graphic user interfaces: typography. I’ll concentrate on general guidelines for the effective use of typography in the design of applications for children between 3 and 10 years of age. What considerations do we need to take into account when working with digital typography when children are its primary interpreters?