Gorton recreations
The hardest working font in Manhattan
A story of a 150-year-old font you have never heard of – and one you probably saw earlier today.
Free Accessible Web Fonts For UIs
Highly legible typefaces designed to improve comprehension for everyone, including people with ADHD and dyslexia.
Inclusive Sans - Google Fonts
Inclusive Sans is a text font designed for accessibility and readability. It is inspired by the friendly personality of contemporary neo-grotesques while incorp
Atkinson Hyperlegible Font - Braille Institute
Read easier with Atkinson Hyperlegible Font, crafted for low-vision readers. Download for free and enjoy clear letters and numbers on your computer!
Font | NDS
Choosing the right font for learners will increase retention time, reduce fatigue and support good stress. A legible, readable font should be a sans-serif, humanist typeface, with suitable letter and word spacing. Simple shapes assist with speed and help reduce cognitive loads.
Readex Pro
is the world-script expansion of Lexend. Lexend is a variable font empirically shown to significantly improve reading-proficiency.
Lexend — Change the way the world reads.
Atkinson Hyperlegible Specimen PDF
… a typeface created in partnership with Braille Institute of America. It has been developed specifically to increase legibility for readers with low vision, and to improve comprehension.
Fonts for dyslexics: comments by Stephan Peters
Type design pages for Stephan Peters. Fonts for dyslexics: comments by Stephan Peters. Type design information compiled and maintained by Luc Devroye.
Nihon Typeface
Buy fonts from the world’s favorite typography blog, I Love Typography (ILT)
Buy fonts from your favorite indie foundries – on the world's favorite typography blog
Buy fonts from the world’s favorite typography blog, I Love Typography (ILT)
Buy fonts from your favorite indie foundries – on the world's favorite typography blog
Fonts In Use – Type at work in the real world.
A searchable archive of typographic design, indexed by typeface, format, and topic.
Courier Prime
It's Courier, just better.
The surprising psychology of fonts
How typefaces impact emotions remains largely unstudied, but a new report suggests that different fonts can elicit different emotions.
Towards Individuated Reading Experiences: Different Fonts Increase Reading Speed for Different Individuals | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
In our age of ubiquitous digital displays, adults often read in short, opportunistic
interludes. In this context of Interlude Reading, we consider if manipulating font choice can improve adult readers’ reading outcomes.
Our studies normalize font size by ...
Are some fonts ageist?
A new study reveals that the speed at which you’re able to read online depends a lot on the font—and your age.
Atkinson Hyperlegible Font | Braille Institute
A new typeface – greater legibility and readability for low vision readers, free from the Braille Institute
Bell Centennial ⓦ
Text for Proofing Fonts
Snapfont 👌
Browser plugin to help you try out fonts on live websites
… berichtet über Grafikdesign, Typografie, Medien, Menschen und Nachrichten aus dem eigenen Haus. /Archiv
A font subscription service for designers
How to pick the right UI font
Find out how to pick fonts for your user interfaces that aren't just beautiful, but also improve your websites' usability.
Fontself Maker
Make fonts in Illustrator
Canva’s Ultimate Guide to Font Pairing
336 pixel perfect, all-purpose vector icons
250+ carefully crafted pictograms