Design decisions have an impact on societies and the environment. Making the impact of design tangible facilitates the mitigation of its negative consequences. The purpose of this paper is to outline what methods and actions a User Experience (UX) practitioner could use in order to support sustainable development. At Ergosign GmbH, an agency creating digital experiences, we conducted a review of existing guidelines and principles to determine the relevance and usefulness of those frameworks in the User Experience Design (UXD) context. The analysis resulted in the creation of six guiding principles to introduce sustainability concerns into the design process. Additionally, we mapped related UX methods and heuristics to each principle. Each of the six principles, as well as an exemplary method, are described in detail in this article. A first practical evaluation of the principles suggests that assessing impact and identifying preventive actions is possible at all stages of the design process. Furthermore, there is no strict correlation of a principle with a particular project phase. While an early analysis generates a more holistic action plan, a later assessment provides more concrete advice. Both approaches can deliver notable improvements in the reduction of resource usage.
Making work accessible creates a better experience across the board. Use this checklist to help build accessibility into your process no matter your role or stage in a project.
The UX profession has grown substantially since 1950 everywhere in the world. Even so, the expected growth until 2050 will dwarf anything we’ve seen so far.
Include—Accessibility Annotations | Figma Community
Include is a tool built to make annotating for accessibility (a11y) easier—easier for designers to spec and easier for developers to understand what is required. The intent is to have accessibility considerations included during the design phase of any project, and to help with the designer-devel...
Include is a tool built to make annotating for accessibility (a11y) easier—easier for designers to spec and easier for developers to understand what is required.
nclude is a tool built to make annotating for accessibility (a11y) easier—easier for designers to spec and easier for developers to understand what is required.
Due to the absence of a standard usage for individual icons, text labels are necessary to communicate meaning and reduce ambiguity in an icon-based design.
Handcrafted recipes to get you started with everything UX — user research, design, usability testing, and more. We're always cooking up new recipes, so check back frequently!
”Why are they all obsessed with Gender?” — (Non)binary Navigations through Technological Infrastructures | Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference
Kommunikation rund um non-binäre Menschen |
Für die Kommunikation mit bzw. über non-binäre Menschen gibt es einige Punkte zu beachten: genderreflektierte Sprache, Pronomen, Formulare etc.Nebst den Aspekten zum Umgang generell sind hier ein paar Vorschläge für die Kommunikation zusammengestellt. Medienschaffende sol